Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3140 Concubine congratulates the emperor!

The bright red coral beads that match the court dress are round and red in color, just suppressing the restrained royal blue, adding a touch of brilliance.

The main shape of the red gold inlaid with east beads is also a phoenix bird unfolded like a peacock, with a high phoenix head holding a string of beads, hanging down and facing the center of the forehead. The red gold carving patterns are complicated, and many longan-sized east pearls are inlaid just right, which is beautiful and magnificent.

When Mu Jin saw that it was clearly decorated with phoenix patterns and phoenix-like patterns, her heart was calm and her heart beat a little faster.

Although fourth master had told her several times earlier that he wanted her to be the queen.

But Mu Jin was still a little nervous when this day seemed to be right in front of her eyes and she could get it with a stretch of her hand.

She couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Fourth Master, her eyes sparkled and she was eager to try, the meaning couldn't be clearer: Is it what the concubine thought?

The fourth master laughed, hugged her and sat down on the couch, kissed her on the cheek, put his hands on her shoulders and said in a low voice: "It's almost what you think. It is the imperial decree for Feng Jin'er to be the empress, so there is no need to wait for a long time."

The brilliance in Mu Jin's eyes became brighter, and she looked into his deep black eyes with a smile, her face flushed, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Your majesty, won't you be embarrassing?"

Fourth master's voice was low, his eyes were full of smiles, and his eyes were full of doting: "Stupid, this is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and I owe Jin'er, how can I make it difficult?"

"You never owe Jin'er anything, Your Majesty!" Mu Jin's heart was so soft and sweet that she couldn't help but kissed him proactively around his neck.

Fourth master hummed in a low voice, and immediately turned his back on the customer and showed more enthusiastic affection. Every time she took the initiative, he would be so excited that he couldn't help it.

If it weren't for the bad timing at this moment, it's hard to say what this kiss will develop into in the end.

Even so, after the kiss was over, Mu Jin still leaned into his arms as if she had lost all her bones. Her watery eyes were full of spring, and her winking eyes were like silk. Her panting breath was messy and ambiguous. Delicate lips that have just been moistened by rain and dew are even more like blooming roses, making them extremely lovable.

Fourth master loved her so much that he couldn't help but love her again.

There were layers of ambiguity in the Dongci Hall for a while, and the air seemed to be filled with a sweet and greasy smell.

Wherever Su Peisheng, Yanmao and others dared to take half a step, they all waited outside the main hall.

The fourth master said to Mu Jin, "Jin'er, do you know why I asked you to change into this set of court clothes on the day of the gold awarding day? I received a good news from the north today, and the Ge Erdan department is over, and my vitality is greatly injured." , was driven to the extreme north by the elder brother and the old fourteenth, and will never be able to recover for at least twenty years. Twenty years is enough time for me to manage this country like an iron chain, and the Geldan tribe They will never have a chance to make a comeback!"

"Really!" Mu Jin was overjoyed, and hurriedly broke away from Fourth Master's embrace and got up, straightened her clothes, knelt down to him, and said with a smile on her pretty face and bright eyes, "Congratulations to the emperor! The emperor is wise!"

The fourth master laughed loudly, and stretched out his hand to help her: "Jin'er get flat quickly."

Holding her and sitting in his arms, Fourth Master blushed and couldn't restrain his excitement. How could it be so easy to say this at the beginning? He talked to Mu Jin endlessly.

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