Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3155 still the same as before

Mrs. Zhang said dejectedly: "Your aunt is going too far. She is holding on to the past, and now you are not allowed to marry in the capital. How can there be such a domineering one? It's just that we can't see our second wife! Sigh!"

Complaints are complaints, Mrs. Liu's attitude became tough, and Mrs. Zhang has nothing to do!

Can only sulk here.

Shi Fangxuan bowed her head and said nothing, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

She felt uncomfortable when she thought that the prosperity of the capital had nothing to do with her, and that it would be difficult for her to come back after leaving.

"Forget it, mother!" Shi Fangxuan said sullenly: "The eldest aunt is the future clan wife. If we fight against her, what good can we get?"

"I really regret it!" Mrs. Zhang sighed, heartbroken: "I should have fought all the way back then, and no matter what, I should have firmly held on to this marriage with the Mu family."

Mrs. Zhang said to herself, as if this marriage originally belonged to the second wife, but was snatched away by Liu's mother and daughter shamelessly

She didn't notice that Shi Fangxuan lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something

When Mrs. Luo and Shi Fangyun entered the palace, Mrs. Luo couldn't help but smile when she saw Mu Jin, and gave some orders.

Rao Mu Jin is already pregnant for the third time, and the mother still can't rest assured.

Mu Jin also quite enjoyed the feeling of being cared and loved by her mother. No matter what Mrs. Luo said, she would respond obediently with a smile.

When the mother and daughter were talking, Shi Fangyun tactfully found an excuse to avoid it.

Mrs. Luo has explained almost everything that should be explained, and she couldn't help whispering: "Now you are pregnant, Your Majesty, Your Majesty"

After a little thought, Mu Jin understood what her mother meant, it was asking where the emperor would stay at night.

He smiled and said, "It's still the same as before."

Although there was nothing else to do at night, it would be good for the two of them to talk together, anyway, she didn't feel that fourth master was disgusted by it.

She could feel the gentle gaze and doting affection when he hugged her and kissed her.

Mrs. Luo couldn't help clasping her hands together and sighed "Amitabha!", which made Mu Jin laugh, "Mother, what are you doing!"

Mrs. Luo sighed, looked at her and said, "I don't know what to say about this matter. It's your blessing that the emperor treats you like this. It's just that the emperor is the emperor. In short, you can decide for yourself. No matter what, it's irreversible. The meaning of the emperor. My mother is presumptuous, the palace is different from other houses, the emperor's heart is the most important thing. You are now the imperial concubine, and you have been by the emperor's side and in this palace for so many years. What else can you not see? Transparent? Sometimes, remember not to be awkward with yourself! Don't look at other things, but also look at the child."

Men from the Mu family don't take concubines. This is not an ancestral rule, but a rule set by Mrs. Luo. She has no parents-in-law, and her husband treats her very well, and she has never had anyone around her.

She thinks it's good, as having more children means more blessings, and Fan doesn't want to take concubines to pretend to be virtuous and open branches and leaves, so after her sons get married, she doesn't want to call concubines.

Now the family is harmonious and beautiful, which is better than anything else.

But the daughter is the imperial concubine of the emperor, but it cannot be compared.

No one in the world can stop the emperor from filling the harem.

Filling or not filling depends entirely on the emperor's will.

She was really worried about her daughter's current temperament, if she had a disagreement with the emperor on this matter, wouldn't she be disgusted by the emperor in vain? By then, it will be too late to regret.

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