Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3165 deserve it

Fourth master couldn't rub the sand in his eyes the most. Since he said so about this matter, he would definitely do it. If someone really has a greedy heart for this and tries to make money from it, then wait for bad luck.

Speaking of which, Mu Jin felt that there might be someone who was not afraid of death. More than four million taels of silver! This is not a small amount!

When he went to court the next day, Fourth Master severely slapped the face of the courtiers who had been chattering about the auction before.

4.48 million taels, the Ministry of Finance is extremely jealous

While the others were stunned, some were amazed, some were embarrassed, and some suspected that the money was not so much at all, and that the emperor had subsidized it in private - in order to make face for the imperial concubine, but also for the emperor himself.

But even so so what? The emperor said that the money was used for pensions, and it would not be taken back once it was taken out.

Who can check it? What's the point of checking this?

A few officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs look at me and I look at you, wondering whether they can try to mention it to the emperor after the court, is it too much to spend so much money on pensions? You can also use part of it to settle accounts with the Ministry of War, which also reduces the pressure on the Ministry of Accounts.

Unexpectedly, before the manuscript was finished, the emperor announced that all the money would be used for pensions, for special purposes, and a special person would be assigned to take charge of it, and no one else was allowed to touch it.

A few officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs became depressed in an instant. Your majesty is really generous.

After all, some people couldn't help but ask, isn't it a bit too much to spend so much money on pensions? The suppression of the rebel army came back from a victorious battle. There are a lot of places to use money to settle the settlement and pay rewards. Why don't you take some money from it? Hundreds of thousands of taels of compensation money is enough.

Fourth Master was waiting for this slap in the face. Originally, he was very regretful that no one would come out to make him slap him in the face. Who knew that he regretted a little too fast. Look, isn't someone jumping out?

The fourth master said coldly, "No, it's the imperial court's business to settle accounts and reward meritorious deeds. I believe the Ministry of Household Affairs has long been concerned about it. No matter how much this sum of money is, it is the imperial concubine's wish. The imperial concubine You can use it wherever you want, this is what I said before, my imperial concubine is not the one who doesn't believe what she says!"

Ministers: ""

The ministers were speechless! Apart from agreeing with the emperor, what else can I do if I have to pay two or three compliments, "The imperial concubine is kind" and "The imperial concubine is benevolent"?

Can you fight against the emperor?

If the money belonged to fourth master, then he could still fight for it. But since it belongs to the imperial concubine, who has the nerve to snatch it from the imperial concubine? Don't you want to lose face?

Seeing their aggrieved faces and unable to speak out, fourth master felt extremely relieved!

Let them underestimate his Jin'er, hmph, it deserves it

The fourth master didn't even expect, and maybe he also expected that this might be the case. When this sum of money was used to pay for the families of the soldiers who died in battle, the local officials at the bottom were greedy and greedy, relying on the sky high Emperor Yuan, and it turned out Because Mu Jin was very concerned about this matter, she kept a close eye on it, and whispered it in Fourth Master's ear from time to time.

This is an important matter, and the fourth master also remembered it in his heart, so he sent people down to investigate from place to place, and found out all those who were greedy. They were all dismissed and never hired. back.

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