Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3225 This seems to be very domineering

She held the fourth master's arm, and the two went back to Yikun Palace together. Mu Jin said with a smile: "The concubine had breakfast and thought there was nothing else to do. Kun Gong has a rest. I'm really tired these two days!"

When the fourth master heard this, he forgot to ask Concubine De how, and hurriedly said: "Jin'er has really worked hard these two days, let's go back now. You have a good rest."

Mu Jin said yes with a smile, and by the way, said about the greetings of the concubines, "It is enough for the concubines to ask them to greet them on the fifteenth day of every month. What do you think, Your Majesty? The concubines really don't like to see those people all day long."

These words were a little jealous, and fourth master couldn't help but tilt his head in amusement and gave her a helpless look.

This guy in his family is good at everything, but this jealousy is especially strong. The vinegar pot is not enough to describe it, and the vinegar pool is almost the same.

It was also because of this that Fourth Master didn't have much thought for women, and she was very jealous, so he never paid attention to others, and he didn't add people to the harem during the draft.

Otherwise, even if it is to appease the nobles of the Eight Banners, it is unavoidable to confer a few noble concubines in the palace.

"Jin'er doesn't like to see them. If you don't see them, it's just that. But, isn't it too rare on the first and fifteenth day of the new year? You are the queen. How about it, it's the same as before. On the first and fifth day, they will go to Yikun Palace to pay their respects. But salute in the courtyard and go back, as long as you meet them on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year."

Mu Jin: ""

I said in my heart that your idea is actually not very good.

"It seems that the concubine is very domineering!"

Ask people to go to Yikun Palace to pay their respects, and then don't even see them, let others salute in the yard, and then send them away

In the eyes of outsiders, this is just one sentence: show off the majesty of the queen and trample on the dignity of others.

Fourth master: ""

The fourth master looked at Mu Jin and smiled, and sighed: "Forget it, I was thinking about it for a while, but I didn't think of this. In this case, the first and fifteenth day of the new year will be the first and fifteenth day of the new year. My queen is kind-hearted. Generous and kind, my heart is very comforted."

Mu Jin giggled, "Your Majesty, don't praise your concubine like this. The concubine can't bear such words. The concubine is too stressed to hear it!"

Fourth Master laughed.

"This is for outsiders to hear, Jin'er can ignore it."

After a pause, the fourth master said again: "I don't want Jin'er to become like that, it's fine for Jin'er to remain as usual."

Mu Jin felt sweet in his heart, and his eyes rolled with affection: "The concubine will not change, and the concubine will always be the emperor's Jin'er."

"Good boy!" Fourth Master squeezed her hand, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, Fourth Master hugged her horizontally, and walked back to Yikun Palace leisurely.

The Lantern Festival passed in a blink of an eye, and the court was busy again.

There are a lot of things that need to be arranged during the Spring Festival every year, and fourth master is also very busy.

The state-owned firm is now more and more valued by the fourth master and the entire court.

After several years of development, everyone in the court has seen the benefits brought by state-owned firms, and no one opposes the establishment of state-owned firms anymore.

On the contrary, this has to be further developed.

This matter is the most important thing, and fourth master asked very carefully.

At the same time, this area has also been targeted by many dignitaries and nobles, and even local powerful famous families and wealthy businessmen.

Many people want to find a relationship to get involved in it, or to get a share of the action.

Everyone can see that it is good to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. What big tree is more reliable than the support of the imperial court?

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