Mu Jin smiled and said, "Can you slander people and do evil at will if you are coerced by others? Then, according to what you say, what do you need the law for? If you are coerced and murdered, can you also complain about injustice?"

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was at a loss for words.

The Fourteenth Master felt very upset, and gave Shu Shujue Luo Shi a wink to signal her not to speak indiscriminately, and hurriedly cupped his hands at Mu Jin and said, "Sister-in-law, calm down, Shu Shujue Luo Shi has little knowledge and can't speak, don't talk to me She is of average knowledge. Please give Xiu Qi another chance, brother and sister-in-law. That child is not easy. He really doesn't have the guts to do such a thing. He was completely fooled this time. .Now that I have learned my lesson, I will never dare to do this in the future.”

"That's how I ask the emperor and empress to show mercy!" Shu Shujue Luo Shi lowered his head, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he felt ashamed and angry.

Fourteenth Master was originally reluctant to take care of this matter, but now that he has taken care of it, he will naturally take care of it.

"It's just nonsense," the fourth master sneered: "Old Fourteen, women are ignorant, and you are ignorant too? Do you think this is a joke? This talent is sent away and then sent back? Shu Shu feels that Luo Xiuqi has committed a crime." If he makes a mistake, he should bear his due responsibility, not just him, but everyone else."

"My Hongzhang will never tolerate such a person with bad character. Where does he have the courage to do this? If he plots against his companion today, will he dare to plot against Hongzhang tomorrow?"

"Even if he is really coerced, so what? That's because he has no ability!"

The fourteenth master blushed. He didn't care about this matter, but he felt ashamed after being taught by the fourth master. He bowed his head and didn't dare to say a word.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was in a hurry. If Master Fourteen couldn't help her, what would she do? She will really be laughed to death by Fujin and that bitch Xiao Li!

And what will her natal family think of her in the future? What would the neighbors think of her? Everyone thinks she's out of favor.

Shu Shujue Luo Shi could not accept this no matter what.

"Your Majesty, Empress, I beg you two to give Xiu Qi another chance! As long as he can be brought back, any other punishment will be fine. I assure you, there will never be a next time, definitely not! "Shu Shujue Luo kowtowed again and again, begging bitterly.

Her eyes were red with anxiety, and she turned her head to look at Master Fourteen pitifully with tears in her eyes.

The Fourteenth Master secretly sighed, "Brother Huang——"

"There's no need to discuss this matter," Fourth Master couldn't help being furious when he saw his disappointing appearance.

When the woman sheds two tears, he becomes dizzy, confused and has no judgment. He dares to say anything, isn't he crazy or what?

It's a good thing that he had a good birth and became his younger brother for being so ignorant, otherwise, he would have been cheated to death.

"Master Fourteen, there is absolutely no discussion on this matter." Mu Jin's tone was also slightly cold: "Master Fourteen also has sons and daughters. If something like this happened, would it be possible to leave the root of the trouble behind? It is absolutely impossible to let such a troublesome person stay with the fourth elder brother, if there is something, who can afford it? Does Shu Shu feel that Luo Shi can afford it?"

The fourth elder brother has a high status, how many companions do you want to pick? Why do you have to leave something that shows a problem with your character?

The Fourteenth Master no longer dared to say a word.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi did not give up, and blurted out in a flash of brain: "Since this is the case, if this slap can't be made, why, why is the young master of the Mu family all right?"

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