Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi had deliberately indulged the sick body in an attempt to win sympathy and compassion, but after waiting and waiting, the Fourteenth Master did not come, and he became anxious, so he sent the maid beside him to invite the Fourteenth Master to come.

There are only two confidantes around her now, and they are all stared at by people named Fujin, where can they go?

Fujin typed a few words, dared to disturb the master without knowing the rules, and turned around to find a reason to send them out.

The two maidservants also understood that today is not what it used to be, and they did not dare to mess around.

I had no choice but to coax Shu Shujue Luo Shi, saying that my master was not free and couldn't come, and told her to recuperate at ease.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was in despair, and after crying bitterly, his condition actually worsened a lot, and the illness lingered for several months, until the next day in mid-spring.

After recovering from the illness, the whole person was thin and haggard, with sallow skin and dull hair, and he was still half as delicate and charming as before.

The fourteenth master was startled when he saw her, his eyes became weird, and he never cared about her again.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master lived in Yuanmingyuan for more than two months, so they simply summoned the ministers, relatives and nobles to spend the Dragon Boat Festival in Yuanmingyuan, and then drove back to the palace.

After that sunset incident, the children didn't make any troubles again. After the running-in period, everyone got along quite well with each other.

Doing homework, practicing riding and shooting, and playing together every day, life is very happy.

After returning to Beijing, Si elder brother's little friends also went home respectively. From then on, they entered the palace every morning and went home in the afternoon to accompany Si elder brother.

There are so many children who want to enter the palace, and each year goes by, and their age grows up year by year. There are many maids in the harem, which is not very convenient.

Fourth master had already ordered people to clean up the Hongyi Pavilion in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and everyone would read, write and rest there from now on.

After everyone returned home, the elders in the family often called people up to inquire about their experience in the Old Summer Palace, and took some homework exams, and they were all happy and satisfied.

Almost every family uses the Chun'an three as a negative teaching material, but don't imitate them, it would be so embarrassing to be kicked out! What's more, the bright future that was originally blooming like a brocade was completely lost, and the family lost face!

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Before something happened, Mu Jin sent someone to Mu's house to explain to Mrs. Luo to comfort her. Mrs. Luo believed that her daughter would handle the matter well, but she was still a little worried.

When Mu Yuansheng finally came back, he was relieved to see that his brows were clear and his expression was as usual.

How can you not feel bad about your own children? Fortunately, the emperor was wise and dealt with this matter fairly and justly, otherwise, wouldn't I be even more distressed to death!

Mrs. Liu was terrified when she heard this, and complained and sighed with Shi Fangyun behind her back, saying that luckily Yi Jing didn't go, even Yuan Sheng, the empress's natal nephew, was wrongfully plotted against by others, if Yi Jing did go, I don't know what it would be like to be bullied.

Although there are no officials in my family, I have plenty of money, and my children are well-clothed and well-fed, served by maids and women, and raised by their family members. I am afraid that many dilapidated noble families are not as good as them. If you go to After going to Yuanmingyuan and suffering this kind of grievance, there is no place to complain, so I feel so distressed!

Whose child is not a baby?

Seeing that her mother was frightened, Shi Fangyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she said, "Don't worry, the Mu family is not easy to bully. As for me, it's fine if you don't want to be the fourth elder brother's companion. In other colleges, no one Dare. There are servants from the Mu family with you! You don’t have to worry about it when you go back!”

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