Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3329 Isn't it because she is afraid that she can't afford it?

There is also a shopkeeper's introduction that it is a twelve-section jade cong from the Warring States Period, a pair of plate-sized white jade biscuits with four spirit patterns, it is said that it is also a certain royal treasure seven or eight hundred years ago, and there is another one that is no bigger than a fist. How many nine-layer ivory carved exquisite balls.

The texture of the ivory ball is shiny and white, and the carver is uncanny. It can be clearly counted that there are indeed nine layers, and each layer is carved with different patterns, including flowers with twigs, flowers for ladies, cranes and fairy mountains, carp and water patterns. , Eight Immortals crossing the sea, fairy grass Ganoderma lucidum, wishful cloud patterns, etc., each layer can be gently shaken and rotated, and the patterns of each layer can be appreciated through the small holes cleverly embedded in it.

The most wonderful thing is that it contains a top-quality agarwood fragrance bead. When you play with it, you can smell the faint aloes fragrance coming out of it.

Sisi's eyes lit up immediately, and she took the exquisite ivory ball in her hand, looked around at it, and said happily: "This thing is interesting, shopkeeper, this lady wants this!"

The shopkeeper smiled and sighed in his heart, as expected of Jiuye's niece, but she is rich and powerful, listen to this tone, which little girl has such confidence.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Miss is lucky to see this ivory ball, but, should you think about it again? There are many excellent jewelry in this shop, and those gems and pearls are rare. Excellent product, this ivory ball is actually a decoration, do you really like it?"

Sisi said without hesitation, "Ms. Ben likes this. We have a lot of jewelry at home! The shopkeeper can just ask for a price."

Isn't it because she is afraid that she won't be able to afford it? What a joke, how could she not afford it?

The shopkeeper's face was stiff, and he sighed in his heart, so he could only say: "This ivory ball is of high quality, and the carving is exquisite. This is the only one in the Qing Dynasty, and the price is—hehe, of course it won’t be cheap. The old man offered a price of 150,000 taels of silver, and if the young lady likes it, she can take it after paying the silver.”

"One hundred and fifty thousand taels!" Jasmine's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Shopkeeper, this is too expensive!"

Sisi didn't have much idea about money, she didn't spend much money, but she was a little startled when she heard 150,000 taels.

Can't help sighing: "A lot!"

The shopkeeper smiled, nodded and said with a light smile, "There are quite a lot, but the items are good and worth the price. Miss, look—"

"I'll buy it!" Sisi said without thinking.

It’s not easy to come across something that you can see by such a coincidence today. If you don’t buy it, when will you meet it next time? In just over a month it will be the Queen's Mother's birthday.

Jasmine said quickly: "Shopkeeper, you are not allowed to bully our young lady and sell her piss for such an expensive price, can you give me a little less?"

"How dare this old man lie to and tease Miss." The shopkeeper laughed and sighed, "This is really indispensable, but if Miss wants it, it will be 10,000 taels cheaper, and Miss 140,000 taels can be taken away."

Jiu Ye's niece came to buy things, how dare he charge a high price? If the price is really high, Master Jiu will have to demolish his shop later. Absolutely worth it.

Sisi nodded: "Okay! It's only 140,000 taels."

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