Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3448 This is the official stamped statement

Many people who can't compete are disappointed.

However, Lord Kangxi specially returned to Beijing to preside over the marriage, which shows that he is quite satisfied with the okra, even if other people have opinions in their hearts, they dare not speak out.

Who dares to say no to the person whom the Supreme Emperor likes?

Who dares to say no, fourth master will be the first to refuse!

The fourth master then issued an order, and the House of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, and the Eighth Master's House bustled vigorously.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, and everyone is so busy that they can't wait to split it in half by themselves.

You must know that the Supreme Emperor left the capital after taking the Zen position, and has not been back for so many years. Now that he has finally come back, it is because of the marriage between Eighth Master and Miss Qiukui. Who would dare not pay attention to this marriage?

A lot of people began to pick up the life experience of okra, what is the origin of this? Can the Supreme Emperor value it so much?

Aunt Bihong has always kept a low profile and doesn't like to be discussed by the world. Lord Kangxi naturally followed her wishes, so almost no one knew of her existence.

Now that Okra's identity has attracted attention, it is inevitable that someone will pay attention to this.

But as soon as there was a hint of it, it was cut off by the joint efforts of Fourth Master and Eighth Master. According to the outside world, when Qiu Kui and Ba Ye were in Yunnan, the Supreme Emperor had also been there, and by chance, Qiu Kui saved the life of the Supreme Emperor, so it was only natural that the Supreme Emperor valued her so much.

After hearing this explanation, everyone felt that it was a bit too coincidental.

However, this is the official stamped certification statement, who dares to doubt it?

The wedding is approaching, and everything is almost ready, and everything that is not ready is going according to plan, in order, and there is no delay in keeping things.

The fourth master discussed with Mu Jin, find a time to go to Changchun Garden to pay respects to Lord Kangxi, and report the wedding to him by the way, if he is dissatisfied with anything, he still has time to correct it as much as possible.

In fact, Lord Kangxi may not have any opinions. The main purpose of going to Changchun Garden is to hear Aunt Bihong's opinions.

Her opinion is equal to Lord Kangxi's opinion.

The fourth master sent someone over to invite An Zhezi first, and it happened that Lord Kangxi was there, so he made an appointment for the next day.

The fourth master went down to court and took Mu Jin with him.

In the Chunhui Hall of Changchun Garden, Fourth Master led Mu Jin in, and sure enough, he saw Master Kangxi and Aunt Bihong were both there.

The two knelt down and kowtowed to pay their respects. Lord Kangxi called Cizuo, glanced at Mu Jin, and said with a smile, "This is the Mu family. I also had some impressions back then, but now you are more graceful and graceful. I have long said that you are a blessed Yes, as expected!"

Mu Jin smiled slightly, and bowed her knees to him: "Huang Ama praises it, and I am ashamed to be a concubine."

Master Kangxi laughed and waved his hands: "Sit down and talk, you can afford it, otherwise the fourth child will not make you queen."

The fourth master glanced at Mu Jin, then bent slightly and smiled at Lord Kangxi: "What Huang Ama said is true, and I also feel that there is no more suitable queen candidate than the Mu family. It is appropriate, and all the ministers are satisfied."

Mu Jin's pretty face was slightly hot, and she didn't dare to look at Fourth Master. Can this person stop praising her so much in front of Lord Kangxi?

Master Kangxi laughed when he heard this, glanced at Aunt Bihong and said with a smile: "It's rare for me to hear the fourth son praise someone, so it can be seen that the Mu family is really good."

Aunt Bihong smiled and said nothing.

After a few gossips, fourth master presented the prepared list and reported to Lord Kangxi about the preparations for the wedding.

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