Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3457 This wedding has incomparable scenery and ostentation

As for Ling Zhu's wife, the whole family dared not even tell her, for fear of irritating her badly.

From then on, the Ling Zhu family was even more alienated and ridiculed by the Niu Gulu family.

None of them dared to go to Baye's mansion to make trouble.

It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

Okra doesn't recognize them, so they are not family members, but strangers.

People from Moshang came to the door looking for trouble, so what is it?

If Okra was willing to recognize them, he would have recognized them long ago, why wait until now?

Today is not what it used to be, and the gap is even bigger. The Baye Mansion really wants to get rid of them, it's too easy

This wedding was full of incomparable scenery and ostentation, lively and noisy, Eight Lord's Mansion was decorated with lights and festoons, Concubine Hui and Concubine Liang were bowed down by the couple, smiling happily.

All the Fujin sisters-in-law were smiling as the brides in their new houses. They were all acquaintances. For the sake of the queen and the emperor, they were even more considerate of okra, without being picky at all.

Okra's nervous heart finally gradually settled down.

She thought to herself, the queen really didn't lie to her.

After returning to the door in three courts, Eighth Master accompanied Qiu Kui back to Changchun Garden.

Don't ask why he married his daughter-in-law, but when he returned home after three dynasties, he took his daughter-in-law to kowtow and offer tea to his direct relative Huang Ama, even if he asked, he didn't know!

Anyway, this is his Huang Ama's request, as his son, he just needs to follow it.

Lord Kangxi had to explain some words, so that Lord Ba must treat Okra well, that's the nature of Okra, don't ask her to do things she is not used to, and ask the other Fujins to be more lenient

Ba Ye agreed one by one, with a faint smile on his face.

Lord Kangxi suddenly felt a little moved and relieved. Each of these sons seems to be doing better than before, and they are very energetic. The fourth son, the emperor, really has to praise him for his job.

What do you want? The country is safe, the country is safe, and the chosen heirs are worthy of the ancestors.

What's more, the sons and daughters are brothers and sisters respectful and friendly, don't let him see brothers killing each other and blood flowing like rivers.

Now, it's all done.

Even the next successor has already been groomed, so why should he be harsh?

His harem, he can do whatever he likes

Lord Kangxi suddenly felt relieved.

Aunt Bihong was also very happy to see Qiukui, and she felt very fulfilled with the sense of accomplishment of a young girl in my family. She pulled her to look up and down, and said with a smile: "You are originally a girl from the Eight Banners, and you look really good in this outfit. Looks good. From now on, let's live together with Ba Ye. You have always had ideas, so I won't say much about them. Just be happy and comfortable. Don't bother with others. If anyone doesn't have eyes for you Picky, don't get used to it!"

Qiu Kui laughed and nodded: "Auntie, I know. I won't be able to stay with Auntie all the time in the future, Auntie, take care."

Aunt Bihong nodded with a smile, "I can live well no matter where I am, you don't have to worry about me. Let me put it vulgarly, you and Master Ba are not too young, if you want a child, hurry up, Don't delay any longer!"

This year is no different from her time, pregnant women at an advanced age are very, very dangerous, no matter how advanced their martial arts are, they are useless.

Okra's face flushed slightly, but she nodded seriously and gave a "hmm".

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