Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3477 Mu Jin doesn't feel sore

Da Gege may not have imagined it, but Mother Jiang is very clear in her heart.

Concubine Qi first slandered the fourth elder brother, and then poured dirty water on Si Sigege's head recklessly, the empress might be very annoyed.

This time, because Da Gege was going to leave the cabinet, although the empress agreed to restore the concubine Qi to her position, the anger in her heart must not disappear.

The emperor has always spoiled her and loved her like an eyeball, so why didn't he listen to her? Just to make her feel better, she will never allow Concubine Qi to intervene in Da Gege's marriage.

If Da Gege knew the good and the bad, he would just keep silent, but if he didn't know the good and the bad, and now he begged the emperor to ask for something, wouldn't that be his own way out?

You know, she is the daughter of Concubine Qi, and also the daughter of the emperor, and she is also called empress empress.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Da Gege got married.

The palace took on a new look, decorated with lanterns and festoons, making it very festive and lively.

The guard of honor in brand-new clothes escorted Da Gege, who was wearing a red wedding dress, to bid farewell to the empress and his biological mother, boarded the chariot, and slowly left the palace.

At the moment when the wheels were rolling and slowly moving forward, Da Gege suddenly burst into tears, and suddenly felt an unspeakable reluctance in her heart. She tightly held the apple in her hand, endured and endured until she did not move a bit.

From then on, she was no longer Huang Ama's daughter, but the daughter-in-law of the Bai family.

On the day Dagege left the pavilion, Fourth Master was also in a bad mood, so he dragged Mu Jin to the gazebo on the rockery for a drink for the first time.

All the people who served around him were dismissed, and even Su Peisheng, the chief manager who never left his side and knew almost all his secrets, was kicked away by him.

When he let go of all the pretense, only Mu Jin was allowed to be by his side when he was only sad as a father sending his daughter off to marry.

Hearing his sighs and feelings of guilt, Mu Jin felt distressed and a little bit dumbfounded, so she could only hug him and comfort him softly over and over again.

Fourth master has always been a very sober person, whether it is Big Gege or third elder brother, Mu Jin knows very well that he really loves and cares for him.

Otherwise, compare and compare with the time of Lord Kangxi, Lord Thirteen knew when he was young, what kind of life the unfavorable princes and princesses lived.

For the third elder brother, the fourth master was disappointed again and again, and in the end, in order to cut off the little thoughts in his heart, he simply gave up on him completely right now.

For Da Gege, Da Gege has always been quiet and gentle, well-mannered and courteous, and naturally he will not be too close to him, but he has never neglected the treatment and care that should be given.

Li Shi did that, and he never hated Da Gege.

This is the marriage of his first son and daughter, and the meaning in his heart is different.

Mu Jin didn't feel sore in her heart, these were all the fetters she had before she entered his life, she had no reason and no right to be sour.

If Da Gege has it, her daughter will also have it. As the first princess, Sisi will only have more than Da Gege, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Mu Jin comforted him with good words, kissed, kissed and hugged, Fourth Master was half drunk, Mu Jin ordered someone to come up, and carefully took him down in a chair and sedan chair.

A good night's sleep.

Fourth master's biological clock is very accurate, even if he indulged himself in drinking a little too much yesterday, he still woke up when it was almost the usual time to wake up.

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