Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3593 confusedly push on

"Third brother!" Fourth Master yelled coldly, "Don't kneel down and make amends!"

The third elder brother's face was sallow, and his eyes showed disbelief.

What did Huang Ama say?

Kneel down and make amends?

He is the elder brother of the prince, even if he did something wrong, why did he kneel down to Horqin? Are they worthy? Huang Ama humiliated herself like this in public, she didn't save any face for herself.

And Princess Luoyue, how could she say such ambiguous words? Isn't this a clear way to cheat yourself?

However, even if Princess Luoyue deceived herself like this, the third elder brother did not dare to tell the truth.

If he doesn't say anything, there is still a little room for redemption. Even if Huang Ama doubts in his heart, it is only suspicion. Once he speaks, there is no room for redemption.

Moreover, at this time, I expressed my intention to pursue Princess Luoyue, and Horqin is still angry. Can I promise myself?

If they reject it outright, it will be difficult if they want to turn back and relax later.

It would be better to push it on "misunderstanding" in such a muddleheaded manner.

The third elder brother had no choice but to knelt down, apologized honestly, and said that he should not have asked Princess Luoyue to go out to discuss, which caused Paul to misunderstand

The father and son of Horqin Prince were overwhelmed, and they both had the feeling that the good cabbage at home was missed by pigs, and they were extremely irritable.

I can't wait to go forward and kick the third elder brother fiercely a few times before I am reconciled.

In front of fourth master, I dare not.

The father and son snorted coldly, and didn't respond to the third brother's words, neither forgiving nor not forgiving.

On the contrary, Princess Luoyue said softly: "This matter is a misunderstanding, and there is nothing to say, so let's forget it."

Mu Jin glanced at Fourth Master, nodded and said with a smile, "The princess is graceful and broad-minded, after all, only a distinguished lady has the demeanor!"

"Your majesty," Mu Jin said softly to the fourth master with a smile again: "The Qing Dynasty has always been on good terms with the Horqin tribe, and it is normal for younger generations to communicate with each other. What about family talk? My concubine, the title of Princess Horqin should be restored, too?"

The fourth master nodded, glanced at Mu Jin with gentle eyes, and said with a faint smile, "What the queen said is true!"

Although he was not aggrieved and annoyed, what could he do?

He doesn't want to see the third elder brother anymore, the third elder brother is also his son! The third elder brother got into trouble, and as a father, he had to help him deal with the aftermath.

A Princess Luoya and a Princess Luoyue have offended him. If the title of Princess Horqin is not restored, it will be impossible.

The Mongolian ministries will definitely have different opinions, and they will be disappointed with him, the Qing emperor, and think that he has handled things unfairly.

Once the hearts of the people are scattered, once the image collapses, it will be difficult to recover!

King Horqin and Princess Wang could have expected Fourth Master's words, so they were not surprised at all.

Princess Horqin is also more sensible, after all she pretended to be surprised and surprised, and kowtowed respectfully to thank her.

The depression in my heart was swept away.

From now on, there will be any gatherings of various Mongolian ministries, let's see who dares to despise and make fun of

A storm ends here.

Although Sisi, Hongzhang, etc. are still a little confused and don't know what's going on

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Mu Jin expressly hinted that for Sisi and others, she would instruct her afterwards not to talk about it outside.

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