Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3643 The third elder brother is more energetic

"Your Majesty" Mu Jin's feet went limp, her face flushed, and she almost couldn't stand still and fell into his arms.

The beauty under the moon is unparalleled, fourth master looked down at her, and was a little crazy for a moment, he couldn't help caressing her face, his eyes were fascinated, and the corners of his lips smiled.

With her by his side, by his side, how could he still see other people in his eyes?

This night, Fourth Master and Mu Jin did not leave Pengdao Yaotai, but stayed here overnight. After half a day the next day, Fang returned by boat.

Let’s talk about that night on the other side of the Houhu Lake, there were many people and people, and the third elder brother was thinking about Princess Luoyue in his heart, so he asked the two side blessings, Bai Jia, Qingping and Wanyan, to accompany his wife, Concubine Qi, to enjoy the moon. Go to the open grass to have a barbecue with everyone.

Having learned the lesson from that time in Chengde, the third elder brother didn't dare to casually ask Princess Luoyue out for a walk alone, so he could only smile and join Princess Luoyue's group, walking towards her quietly Get close, talk to her at every opportunity, and pay her attention.

Longkodo met with him two days ago, but he specifically told him not to act too hastily, but to moisten things quietly and strive for the final success.

Princess Luoyue is now in Beijing, and there will be more time in the future, so there is no need to rush for success.

Moreover, Hongzhang and Princess Luoyue are several years apart. It is impossible to compete with him before the time to marry Fujin. As for the others, who is his opponent? Who dares to fight with her? He can rest assured and take his time.

The third elder brother felt that it made sense, so he suppressed it.

Princess Luoyue and a prince from the Abahai tribe were selected by Mu Jin to be the leaders of this group of people respectively. On such occasions, the two had to take care of everyone.

Therefore, where does Princess Luoyue have the time to talk to the third elder brother who is endlessly looking for something to say?

She didn't feel how congenial she was, but she couldn't help but feel disgusted, but she couldn't get angry, so she answered without saying a word.

Seeing her talking to him in a polite and courteous manner, the third elder brother was invigorated, thinking that she must have feelings for him in her heart, otherwise, which one of the proud women of the Mongolian tribes would have no temper of?

If she didn't like herself, she might have pulled her face down and was rude.

The third elder brother is more energetic.

Full of confidence.

The third elder brother was so excited that he forgot about the group of crows. They all started riding and shooting for some reason, and made an appointment to ride a horse together tomorrow, and the third elder brother happily agreed.

Sisi was not happy seeing him, and even more unhappy seeing him lingering here and refusing to move. Hearing that he was going to ride and shoot tomorrow, she rolled her eyes and incited the princesses and princes to make a fuss about today's event. The talk about riding and archery was in full swing, and even a lottery was on the line.

Everyone is more interested, gearing up, tomorrow it is necessary to go, the idiot will not go!

It's not about coveting the little prizes, but, this is tantamount to glory!

The various tribes of Mongolia have always subjugated people with military force. Whoever has harder fists and more exquisite riding and shooting will be more popular and respected.

Although it has only been a few days since they came to the capital, the impact on them can be imagined to be huge.

Something seemed to have collapsed, and only then did they realize that there are still such existences in the world, and there are so many things that are different from those on the grassland.

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