Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3658 Are those people in Horqin easy to mess with?

"If he really went to sue, it would be better." Longkodo smiled meaningfully: "Whatever, third elder brother, you are also the eldest son of the emperor, and you are comparable to the Mu family? The eldest grandson of the Mu family is trying to marry Horqin. Don't take you, the eldest son of the emperor, seriously, guess what the emperor thinks?"

The third elder brother was overjoyed immediately, laughed loudly and said, "Uncle's plan is great! I'll find a chance to talk to him now, I won't suffer any way!"

"Exactly." Long Kedo smiled.

The two of them discussed it immediately, and the third brother's gloom was swept away, and he was full of confidence.

He wished he could go to Mu Yuansheng and clarify the matter immediately.

In fact, he was really impatient, and less than two days after he separated from Longkodo, he asked Mu Yuansheng out.

Mu Yuansheng was baffled. He didn't know why he was looking for him so well. What do you want to do? I don't seem to be that familiar with him, why did I suddenly ask myself out to talk alone?

Why doesn't this person know how to avoid suspicion?

Knowing that he is from the queen's natal family and has nothing to do with him, he actually offered to ask him out

After struggling for a while, the other party was the prince's elder brother, and Mu Yuansheng didn't want to lose face after all. At noon, he took time to go to the meeting place with the third elder brother.

In the private room of the restaurant, the third elder brother, who had always disliked Mu Yuansheng, didn't bother him, but straight to the point and told him why he was here.

Mu Yuansheng was taken aback by him, and before he finished speaking, he repeatedly denied it, saying that he didn't mean it at all!

Princess Luoyue?

Are those Horqin people easy to mess with?

Except Princess Luoyue and Paul, they are all vulgar and unreasonable, and their family is from a serious imperial examination background, so how could they have anything to do with Horqin?

A woman married to Horqin comes in, do you still want to live a clean life at home?

Not to mention how many troubles that Princess Baole caused and how she treated the queen's aunt.

He is the eldest grandson of the Mu family, and because of this relationship, it is even more impossible to marry Horqin's woman!

To be precise, Mu Yuansheng never thought about who he would marry in the future, nor did he think about finding a wife for himself.

It's not like the companions around the fourth elder brother didn't discuss the question of who is the noble daughter and how is it. Several people seem to have taken a fancy to the companions around Sisi, eager to pursue her secretly.

Mu Yuansheng has always only watched the excitement, only listened to what people said, he never thought about it himself.

He is very clear that as the eldest grandson of the Mu family, it is best for his family to make decisions about his marriage.

The family will definitely choose a wife that is most suitable for him, and he is just waiting to marry.

This is the responsibility that, as the eldest grandson, he must bear for the entire family.

Besides, he is the eldest grandson, and the family will definitely not let him be wronged in the marriage. Maybe they will ask his opinion after they are optimistic about the person.

As for him, as long as he doesn't hate it, he will accept it.

Therefore, he has always restrained his emotions, never missed a girl, let alone actively pursued her.

Princess Luoyue had approached him a few times, but they were all discussing matters related to teaching, and had nothing to do with anything else at all.

Where did this third elder brother see that he had plans for Princess Luoyue? Are you crazy?

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