Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3675 mother and son are very excited

He doesn't know anything else, pursuing girls is his forte!

But too good at it!

Like Princess Luoyue, she must have squinted at the colorful world in the capital. Arrangements for clothes, jewellery, rouge and gouache, fine wine and delicacies, sightseeing in the lake, and gentleness, sweet talk, tenderness and consideration will continue to be arranged. superior

Coupled with my appearance, appearance and family background, it will definitely be possible.

Li Si'er also felt that no matter how handsome his son looked, he would definitely succeed!

Now he smiled and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Don't go to Xidaying for a few days, what good future can there be in that poor place? Tomorrow, I will go to Princess Luoyue and ask her to go out for a swim together." Lake, and then take her to the restaurant to taste the delicacies of the capital, and accompany her well."

The mother and son agreed and were very happy.

Revenge and revenge are just around the corner!

Doesn't Nian Xinmei look down on herself because she is following others? Hmph, then let her open her eyes and take a good look, she doesn't have to be her!

How could Princess Luoyue be better than her?

Xingfan did what he said, and the next day he dressed neatly, with a large stack of bank notes in his pocket, Xingxing headed out.

Dai Jiashi has been watching the movements of the mother and son, so she knows that this is the bait, she sneered, and hurriedly sent a letter to her confidant.

This mother and son really deserved to be their own, they both have the same self-confidence!

As long as Horqin's daughter-in-law is not blind, how can she think of you as a mere bastard?

Heh, do you really think that the whole world is paying for Longkoduo? Longko praised you so much that the whole world recognizes you?

Princess Luoyue was very confused about the son of the Tong Jia family who appeared beside her out of nowhere.

At first, she didn't understand what this man was here for, she just thought he was also studying at the Imperial College.

But then it didn't look like it.

After school, this person actually invited himself to go shopping, saying that he would take him to familiarize himself with the capital, and introduce himself to the capital by the way.

As a princess, Princess Luoyue has never lacked courtesies in front of her, but Xingfan is the only one who is so blatantly courteous.

This disgusted her very much, so Dang even declined.

Xingfan didn't care about it, he just thought of her as shy and embarrassed, and naturally she will continue to work hard the next day.

In this way, for three or four days in a row, Xingfan was entangled with Princess Luoyue.

No one is a fool, he is so obvious, who can't see what he wants to do?

So while everyone was stunned, they all secretly laughed secretly, waiting to see the joke.

Even if you are from the Tong Jia family, you are still a bastard, and your biological mother is such a vulgar person, how dare you think about the Princess Luoyue?

Who gave you the courage and guts?

As the princess of Luoyue, she must either enter the palace or betrothed to the prince and grandson, and in the last case, she must be married to a certain prince or the eldest son of the county prince's mansion, otherwise, it would be all aggrieved by her.

So is Xing Fan crazy?

On this day, Xing Fan heard a few words of ridicule, and immediately became furious, and became even more determined in his heart that he must pursue Princess Luoyue.

This little girl, what the hell, he doesn't dislike that she is from the grassland and is vulgar, but she still dislikes herself?

Xing Fan has been used to domineering since he was a child, he goes smoothly and thinks highly of himself, how can he bear this kind of ridicule? He was not a very patient person in the first place, and now he couldn't bear it any more!

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