Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3677 The third elder brother is even more angry

until today.

When the third elder brother heard what Xingfan had done in the past few days, he was so angry that he almost fainted, and secretly scolded that uncle Longkodo was not a thing!

On the surface, he said to help himself and let himself pursue Princess Luoyue, but it turned out to be good, but secretly let his son go.

Could it be that he thought he couldn't catch up with Princess Luoyue, so he let his son out?

He didn't believe that Longkodo dared to let his son compete with him. He must have let him go because he thought he was not good enough.

Thinking of this, Brother San became even angrier!

If he can't do it, then Xingfan can do it? Dare to feel that he is not as good as Xingfan?

Hearing again, that dog Xingfan invited Princess Luoyue to the private room of the restaurant for dinner at noon today, the third elder brother was even more anxious.

How can such a thing be tolerated? He didn't care that it was obviously not obvious to do so, so he chased after him angrily.

As soon as he opened the door and came in, he saw Xingfan pulling Princess Luoyue, and the third elder brother stepped forward and kicked him over, yelling coldly: "What are you doing? You are so courageous!"

Looking up at Princess Luoyue, Princess Luoyue also looked at him with a cold gaze before the third elder brother said anything, and left without saying a word.

Princess Luoyue did not go back to Sijiu Mansion, but went directly to the palace to ask to see the empress.

She wants to tell the Empress about this matter, and asks the Empress to make the decision.

She is not stupid, she is Horqin's princess, and it is obvious how beneficial it is to marry her, so she naturally knows.

She felt that the secret pursuit of a third elder brother was annoying enough, but she politely declined him and insisted, and she couldn't help it.

Fortunately, he still knows how to measure, and he didn't do too much, so she can only take one step at a time and forget about it.

Anyway, she didn't have that kind of heart herself, and he was a noble prince, so he naturally had his pride and self-esteem. If he didn't respond after a long time, he would naturally give up.

In this way, everyone is decent and does not hurt harmony.

In any case, I am a guest, and I came to the capital to study, so it is not easy for something to happen as soon as I come.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a person as Xingfan in the world!

In fact, in the Imperial College, besides the third elder brother, there were also other noble teenagers who showed a vague affection for her, but presumably they were self-aware, and they were all polite. No one dared to cross the line, and we could still be friends.

This Xingfan is simply uneducated and inexplicable!

First, he pursued himself to make it known to everyone, but after being rejected by himself, he even tried to do such insidious tricks as drugging raw rice and cooking cooked rice!

If it wasn't for the kindness of the shop boy who reminded himself, Princess Luoyue would not dare to think about what has happened at this moment

How can she bear this kind of thing? How can I bear it any longer?

Even if she is willing to endure, Horqin's decency and dignity will not allow it!

The princess of Horqin is not someone who can be calculated by others!

Whoever dares to plot against her like this will have to pay the price!

In the palace, Mu Jin and Fourth Master had lunch, seeing the good weather, they happened to take a walk on the corridor to digest food.

Not long after, feeling the wind, the fourth master held Mu Jin's hand and went back to the palace together, "Jin'er, go take a break, I'll look at the brochure again, and take advantage of these few days to arrange everything. Let's have a good year."

It is already the twelfth lunar month, this is the busiest time of year, many things have to be finished, and some preparations for the coming year have to be made at this time, and after the new year, the yamen will close the pen, and things will be even more heaped at this moment

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