Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3709 Concubine Qi is of course dissatisfied

Concubine Qi: ""

"You put away all this kind of unfounded, illogical, and messy guesses. If you go out this door, if I hear half a mess of gossip outside, don't blame me for being rude!"

Concubine Qi trembled all over, her face turned red and turned white: "The empress is so majestic, so Si Sige is not wrong at all?"

Mu Jin said coldly: "Let's discuss this matter again, don't mess around, you dare to talk nonsense, Sisi intends to plot the emperor's heir in Yan's womb, if you can produce evidence, otherwise, this palace will absolutely I won't spare you!"

Concubine Qi looked away with a cold face, she was extremely ashamed and indignant, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Mu's bitch, this is, this is not giving her the slightest bit of face

Mu Jin didn't intend to let her be so vague: "Mr. Li, can you hear me clearly? When you hear clearly, you can answer. If you don't understand clearly, I don't mind saying it again! Or, if you have anything to say, Ben Gong is also here to listen!"

Concubine Qi was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and the angry emotions swirled and circled in her chest and mind, hitting her head one after another, making her dizzy one after another.

"Chenqie, listen clearly!" Concubine Qi gritted her teeth, still angrily saying, "Chenqie shouldn't have guessed in a moment of impatience. ? Is it possible that Si Sige is not at fault in this matter?"

"Girls are reading companions, not servants," Mu Jin said lightly, "Sisi did not mention something in time, it is indeed wrong. This palace will punish her to copy three volumes of Buddhist scriptures, and pray for the emperor's heir in Wanyan's womb. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Concubine Qi is of course dissatisfied!

So dissatisfied!

Just copy the scriptures? How can it be so cheap!

She can't wait to give Si Sige a set of feet, palms and mouths.

But also know that this is absolutely impossible.

"Shouldn't Si Sige be with you?" Concubine Qi still couldn't hold back and opened her mouth, determined to maximize the benefits of this matter.

On the other hand, Wanyan's eyes darkened, and he felt anxious, wanting to die a little bit.

She was about to cry in her heart! She doesn't think about anything now, she just wants this matter to end quickly!

If this continues, God knows what will happen? she can't stand it

Yun Xian's complexion also turned paler, and she also wanted to die

Is this, is this implicating Sisige?

Si Sige is the queen's concubine's princess, Wanyan's side Fujin is just a side Fujin, but Sisige wants to apologize to her. Thinking that this was all caused by her, Yun Xian was in despair.

Mu Jin was also shocked.

This matter had nothing to do with Sisi in the first place.

But Li Shi insisted on saying this, and Sisi couldn't get rid of the responsibility.

Besides, Wanyan's pregnancy was the first in this generation. As a queen, Mu Jin had to take into account some fairness.

"Isn't it just an apology? I admit it." Sisi stepped forward and said to Wanyan: "Sister-in-law Wanyan, I will apologize to you for this matter."

"No, don't dare to be careful!" Wanyan said hurriedly with her hands flustered, a little stiff, with a smile on her face.

Mu Jin said: "Concubine Qi, are there any more? If so, let's finish it at once, and it's time for Wanyan to go back and rest."

Concubine Qi sneered: "Sisige knew his mistake and admitted his mistake, and apologized and admitted his mistake on his own initiative, the concubine has nothing to say."

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