Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3720 dog food every day

Her hands have been pampered for so many years, and they are tender and white, as beautiful as onion tubes, where can they be stained with dust and dirt?

Mu Jin smiled sweetly, and looked eagerly at the chestnuts in his hand waiting to eat.

The fourth master looked at it and smiled, peeled it off and fed it to her: "Is it sweet?"

Mu Jin nodded again and again: "Tian, ​​I want more!"

Fourth Master continued to peel her. Seeing the sweetness of her food, he couldn't help but want to taste it, especially the little mouth, "Leave half of it for me."

Putting her mouth to say so, Mu Jin's pretty face suddenly became hot, subconsciously rolled around from the corner of her eyes, quickly bit half of it, and then pushed his hand: "You eat."

Fourth master put the remaining half in his mouth, and laughed lowly.

Mu Jin's face turned red early.

Su Peisheng lowered his eyes and was extremely calm. Dog food is available every day, and he has long been used to it

The two of them swayed all the way, tasted a few chestnuts, and arrived at Qinyang Tower after a while.

This restaurant was opened by the Mu family at the beginning of last year, and it was Mu Jin's idea.

Shi Fangyun is an authentic southerner, and she doesn't like spicy things at all, but she can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree, not to mention herself and the Mu family, even her natal family doesn't know how to make money by relying on Mu Jin, the empress. How much money was paid and how much benefit was taken.

The most important thing is that in the past, you had to work hard to make money, and you had to manage it everywhere—especially the government, otherwise, if you were unhappy, you would be stumbling you secretly, and you would suffer.

Now, who would dare, they are all rushing to curry favor with them instead!

Compared with the past, today's days are really a heaven and an earth.

In this way, the Empress Empress has a little request, how can she not agree to it?

Isn't it just opening a restaurant? Just drive to a higher level, as long as the empress is happy when she sees it, as for making money or not, that's another story.

At least when it opened, Shi Fangyun had the mentality of losing money to make the empress happy.

For this reason, she also specially sent people to Sichuan and Sichuan to hire two chefs of Sichuan cuisine to come and cook.

No, business is unexpectedly booming

Every day is full of people, and every meal is full. In less than half a year, he earned enough capital.

Shi Fangyun was very surprised, she never expected that such a dish would be so popular

When Shi Fangyun talked about this with her husband Mu Jianan in private, she felt admiration from the bottom of her heart: I am afraid that the empress is not born with wealth luck, she can make a lot of money by doing anything!

Mu Jian'an has nothing to say, he is convinced of his sister's luck.

There is a huge private room specially reserved on the top floor of the restaurant, which is locked on weekdays and cleaned every ten days by a special person. This private room is specially reserved for the empress.

Mu Jin and fourth master wanted to come over today, and they told the Mu family the day before yesterday, so they went upstairs and entered the private room right now.

The room has been re-arranged a long time ago. There are half-person-high copper braziers placed in the corners of the four walls, covered with hoods. The fine silver frost charcoal is burning brightly, without any smoke and charcoal gas, and the room is as warm as spring.

There are several pots of fragrant orchids placed on the table and in front of the window sill, which are elegant and pleasant.

The layout and furnishings of the entire private room are mainly elegant and elegant, with an antique flavor and a wash of wealth and luxury.

When you step into it, you will feel refreshed and refreshed.

Especially when you have just come from the bustling market, in contrast, it is more comfortable and relaxing.

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