Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3750 This is a man with a bit of heart and courage

Afterwards, when Third Miss Cao entered Cao's house quietly at night, no one was alarmed except the eldest lady's confidants.

When Mu Jin heard this, she became somewhat interested in Miss Cao San, and ordered the hidden guards to keep watching, and she wanted to know the follow-up.

When going to bed with fourth master at night, Mu Jin smiled and casually chatted in fourth master's arms.

The fourth master was also a little surprised when he heard that, he hugged her and said with a smile: "My Jin'er sees people differently after all, this Cao family is quite interesting, so let's have a look again!"

Regardless of what Miss Cao Jiasan has experienced, it must not be easy to return to Jiangning City with that appearance.

And she was able to bear it and didn't run home directly, instead she ran to her mother's dowry shop to find a trustworthy shopkeeper, this is someone with a bit of heart and courage.

How could an ordinary little girl think about these things in such a situation? I just can't wait to go home and return to my parents who can bring me a sense of security.

However, once the Third Miss of the Cao family returns home in such broad daylight, she won't be able to take care of anything.

Let's say that Cao Chunying's words moved Lizheng to send her into the city, and went to the silk and satin village to find the shopkeeper Mo—that is Mother's confidant, someone she can absolutely trust.

She also didn't tell Li Zheng her identity, Li Zheng only knew that she was a girl from a wealthy family, the kind she could never afford to offend.

After delivering the person, he charged three hundred taels of silver as a hush-hush fee, and left happily.

Although Lizheng is only a small official, to become a Lizheng person, he has a bit of a city in his heart, knowing what can be said and what can't be said.

He received the money and made a windfall for nothing, and he was already very content.

What else has it to do with him?

It's better not to inquire about the affairs of big families.

Shopkeeper Mo didn't even know about Miss San's disappearance, and when he saw Cao Chunying appearing like this, he almost died of fright!

Hurriedly arranged for Ren Haosheng to entertain him, but he didn't dare to ask random questions.

Cao Chunying did not hide it from him, instead of making him full of doubts, it is better to say it herself.

Anyway, let him see it, it's better to make it clear to save him from guessing.

Cao Chunying didn't say everything, only said that she had an accident and something happened. Right now Shengjia is at Cao's house in Jiangning, so no news can be made, so I can't go back like this

Shopkeeper Mo understood in seconds, and immediately went to Cao's mansion in person, and contacted Mrs. Cao's confidant Madam Su

At night, under the arrangement of Madam Su, Cao Chunying finally returned to Cao's house quietly.

When the mother and daughter met, they hugged each other and cried.

Mrs. Cao's illness came on urgently, and she was originally anxious and ill. Now that Cao Chunying came back, her illness will naturally be mostly cured.

After crying, Mrs. Cao hurriedly moved away from her left and right sides, leaving only Madam Su by her side.

She grabbed Cao Chunying's arm and looked up and down, nervously said: "Yinger, are you okay? You—you didn't, didn't you encounter anything? But someone, someone bullied you?"

A young girl disappeared for four days and four nights, who knows what will happen?

When she asked this question, Mrs. Cao's face was pale, her heart was trembling, and she was so nervous that her breathing almost stopped.

Cao Chunying blushed, a little embarrassed, but shook her head and said in a low voice: "Mom, I'm fine, no, nothing happened."

"Really? Amitabha, that's great, that's great!" Mrs. Cao let go with a sigh of relief, almost crying with joy.

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