Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3847 What is this?

In this way, Cao'er is not only innocent, but has merit.

Bai Ya was persuaded so confusedly.

He simply taught Cao'er a few words, ordered her to reflect on herself, and not to act impulsively in the future, let alone make her own decisions without her own consent, and it was over.

Cao'er naturally agreed to everything, kowtowed to thank her, and stayed by her side as a maid.

The aunt and sister-in-law took the servants to visit the garden of the palace, talking and laughing.

The Bai family is also a well-known family in Hangzhou City, especially after marrying Da Gege and entering the family, I don't know how much benefit they have gained from this for more than a year, and everyone thinks that the threshold of their own family should be at least three feet three.

But walking in the palace at this moment, Bai Ya and Cao'er still couldn't move their eyes when looking at the scenery of flowers and trees.

In particular, there are many flowers and trees that Bai Ya has long known but never seen.

The south of the Yangtze River is very elegant, and many famous families have skilled old gardeners who cultivate excellent flowers and trees, which not everyone has the ability to see on weekdays.

However, when the emperor and the empress set sail in Hangzhou City, and the head of the palace borrowed these flowers and trees to display for a few days, naturally no family would refuse, and they all readily agreed.

No matter how good the flowers and trees are, can they compare with this honor?

It's just borrowed for a show, and I will send it back when I turn back. They are all famous families, not those small families who can be bullied at will, and they are not borrowed from only one family. Naturally, it is impossible for the palace manager to say nothing Keep it a secret and not pay it back.

Otherwise, if he provokes public anger, he will be the one who will be unlucky.

The emperor and empress do not allow people to steal by chance.

For many families, it doesn't matter even if the flowers and trees are not returned, and if they are cultivated again, if they are rare to cultivate, they will not be worthy of this honor. In short, this matter is a good thing with double face.

For example, at this moment, Bai Ya is looking at a pot of Eighteen Bachelors camellias in full bloom. The flowers are full in shape and beautiful in color. Bai Ya watched from the side so much that she couldn't take her eyes off her eyes, and she couldn't stop admiring her.

Many camellias are cultivated in the city of Hangzhou, and there are many famous varieties in the garden of the Bai family, but the Eighteen Scholars are among the most difficult to cultivate successfully.

Many experienced gardeners may not be able to cultivate a single plant throughout their lives, either because the color is not enough, or the flowers are not beautiful, in short, there are always defects of one kind or another.

The basin in front of me is as tall as half a person, but it is perfect everywhere!


Da Gege just laughed it off, she remembered that there were also many camellias in the palace and the Old Summer Palace. Because Sisi stayed in Yunnan for a few years, she ordered someone to send flowers to the capital with a gardener, especially to honor the empress, and the empress also specially ordered someone to open a tea garden in the Old Summer Palace, and sent a special person to take care of it carefully.

There are a total of twelve of the eighteen bachelors that bloom very well.

In addition, there are all kinds of precious varieties such as big agate, purple robe, hate sky high, seven fairies and so on.

And they have all been well cared for.

Whenever the flowers bloom, they are colorful, plump and gorgeous, and each one is set off by dark green leaves, which is indeed very beautiful.

Beauty is beauty, if you see it a lot, Da Gege will naturally not find it rare.

Seeing Bai Ya like this, I couldn't help but want to laugh, so I laughed casually: "It's just a potted flower, how can it be so rare? If you really like it so much, when we go back later, we can take it back with us! "

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