Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3860 looking for help

Cao'er cried and climbed up the first two steps, kowtowed to Mu Jin and cried, "The empress, please forgive me! It's the slave's fault, it's the slave's fault! Yes, it's just as Si Sige said, begging the queen!" Your Majesty, spare the life of this servant!"

Anyway, there is no way to hide it. Instead of being slapped in the face later, it would be more ugly, it is better to admit it now.

Maybe the Empress Empress will be lenient for the sake of voluntary admission.

Bai Ya's expression was also extremely ugly, and she hurriedly stood up in embarrassment.

Mrs. Bai went "hum!" in her head, and opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

Mu Jin looked at Bai Ya, "Miss Bai, I asked you something, but you haven't said it yet."

"Ah!" Bai Ya screamed in shock, trembling with fear, no better than Cao'er.

But she is more face-saving than Cao'er, Cao'er can turn back on what she says, and it's easy to say the words of begging for mercy, but for Bai Ya, she can't do it.

Bai Ya didn't even dare to look at the empress, she only looked at Da Gege for help.

Da Gege couldn't bear it, but he felt an inexplicable sense of relief in his heart, and subconsciously relaxed - for no other reason, the eyes that begged for Bai Ya's help actually looked at her!

What does this mean? It shows that the sister-in-law Bai Ya is very attached to and trusts her sister-in-law!

It means that mother-in-law and sister-in-law may also hate and mock themselves in their hearts, right?

Da Gege thought, since my sister-in-law trusts me so much, then of course I can't live up to my sister-in-law's trust.

So Da Gege called "Emperor Niang!" She stood up with a smile, walked to Da Gege and gently shook her hand and squeezed it comfortingly, standing between her and Mu Jin, said with a smile: " Queen Mother, this matter may be a misunderstanding. This is a family of children, and the temperament of playing and playing suddenly came up. Isn't it just that they can't stop talking? In fact, in fact, there must be no malicious intentions. Yes! It’s all grown up by the elders in the family who are held in their hands by the elders. Who doesn’t have the delicate temper of the daughter of a thousand gold! Also ask the Queen’s Mother to see that they are all played by children. For the sake of trouble, let’s forget about it.”

Mu Jin and Yan Momo looked at Da Gege in disbelief.

Mu Jin was angry, and Nanny Yan and other people on the empress's side were also full of anger: "How dare the little princess be wronged and have to turn it into a big thing and make it a trivial thing?" What a face this Bai family has! Dare to wrong the little princess?

As the elder sister of the little princess, Da Gege has the position of her in-laws. If she stands in the middle and doesn't help each other, it's fine. No one will blame her.

But she shouldn't have said such things just to please her mother-in-law and sister-in-law!

Isn't this slapping the empress in the face?

Mrs. Bai was overjoyed when she heard this, and then her heart was full of joy. She glanced at Da Gege approvingly, and hurriedly got up and said to Mu Jin with a smile: "Empress, Da Gege's words are absolutely right, this child Ya'er is She's too spoiled, she has a bit of a temper, a bit of a temper. There is also the girl Cao'er, who is uneducated and vulgar. She can do whatever she wants because of how much her master values ​​her in daily life. The courtiers will never let her go! However, Ya'er is still at fault. Yes, I shouldn't have acted like that. Ya'er, hurry up and apologize to Si Sige!"

Concubine Qi bit her lips, and said calmly with a red and white face: "Empress, Miss Bai is a little girl after all!"

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