Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3871 What face does she have

of course?

Da Gege couldn't bear to beg Mama Yan, he wanted to order the robbery directly because he knew that in this palace, the words of himself, a married Da Gege, were definitely not as useful as the words of the empress's first confidant, Mammy , The breath of anger almost caused an internal injury!

Big Gege's face was ashen: "Nurse's stern and selfless face is really admirable! If that's the case, Ben Gege will be with Huang Amati tomorrow!"

"Big Gege," Da Gege just turned around to leave when Nanny Yan called her again, glanced at Yunlan, and told her what she had done: "There are rules in the palace, if Yunlan behaves like this She is still a member of the palace, so if she had pulled down the board earlier, she would have to stay in a place like the Clothes Bureau in the future, or simply stay here to take care of the palace. But is she a big princess? Big Gege decides to punish him!"

Da Gege trembled angrily, and stared at Nanny Yan with wide eyes in disbelief, where did this old woman have such courage.

People who stop themselves from moving flowers, and even punish themselves for guilt.

Yun Lan was terrified, she knelt down on the ground with a pale face and began to cry: I didn't do this on purpose, please forgive me.

The moment Da Gege turned to leave, Yun Lan, who had been anxious and fearful all the time, was secretly relieved. Who knew that Nanny Yan would be so ruthless...

Da Gege is also angry, but what to do is not good!

After all, it was clearly Yun Lan's fault.

This girl is used to being praised by others in the Bai family, so she will inevitably act a little impulsively, maybe she forgot for a moment that she is in the palace!

But, even so, Yanmao turned a blind eye and it passed, it didn't have to be so rigid.

In the end, it was just intentional not to make myself feel better...

Da Gege was already full of anger in his heart, and now he was even more angry, so he sneered angrily: "In that case, Yunlan, you will kneel here for two hours!"

Yun Lan's face turned even paler, and she looked at Da Gege imploringly.

Kneeling here for two hours?

It's not far from the gate of the palace, she, what face does she have...

Sister Yan said indifferently: "Da Ge Ge Zhai has a kind heart, so be it! Yun Lan, why don't you kneel down to thank him? Also improve your memory, so as not to act impulsively in the future and bring disaster to Da Ge Ge!"

Da Ge held back: "..."

What she said was out of anger, couldn't a mature old lady like Yan not hear it?

So what does she mean by climbing up the pole?

She wanted to take back her foreword. It was too embarrassing for her face.

Thinking about it again, Yanmao Yan's words are not wrong, but it is not, this girl owes a lesson, it's better to suffer, so as not to be lawless in the future.

Anyway, anyway, this is the palace, not the Bai family, after Huang Ama and the others get up and drive away, no one will laugh at themselves, so let her go now...

Da Gege snorted, turned and left with a cold face.

Nanny Yan bent her knees: "Congratulations to Da Gege!"

Yun Lan watched Big Ge leave just like that, and opened her mouth, but she didn't dare to yell, and burst into tears.

Nanny Yan turned her head to look at her, Yunlan murmured "Ah!" and her body went limp and she fell to the ground.

Mama Yan: "..."

He was so pungent before and thought he had at least improved a bit, but he was still so unpromising, so it can be seen that he is just a bully!

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