Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3875 She is really excited

The two elder brothers of the third young master Bai are both magistrates in neighboring provinces. Although their official positions are not high, their qualifications and ages are also in line with their qualifications and age. The third master and his family live in the old house, and they usually take care of the mundane affairs of the village.

Only the third young master Bai, who was born in the eldest son's house, was weak and sick when he was young, and he was loved by the old lady who has passed away the most, so he can't do anything without writing, so he just stays at home.

Concubine Qi was just a side Fujin of the palace back then, and her natal second aunt talked about marriage for her natal Bai family nephews, and there was only the third young master who was not married, so he was the one who talked about it, otherwise it would be a turnaround not to him.

At that time, Concubine Qi felt that the Bai family had a good connection, and the second aunt was in the Li family, so she was also from the Li family. Although her mother was gone, she had a relative, a father and an uncle, and the Li family's connections could be improved because of this in-law. She can use it for herself, and it is not so easy for her stepmother to destroy it.

In this way, it will be of great benefit to the third elder brother! Therefore, even though Third Young Master Bai is white, she still insists on being this relative.

At that time, Concubine Qi said so, the lintel of the Bai family is not low, and the third young master Bai is white, but he is also a scholar, who knows if he will win the Jinshi? There is still a future!

Fourth master was bothering her at that time, and she insisted on being a kiss, so she didn't care.

At this moment, Da Gege suddenly proposed to apply for an official position for Third Young Master Bai, and Third Young Master Bai, who is a scholar, was also stunned.

Be an official.

He was really moved.

I know how many catties I have, so I don't need to think about raising people, and Jinshi is even more like a dream. Besides, as a consort now, there is no need to take the merit test.

But the emperor rewarded his son-in-law with an official job, which is only right and proper!

Isn't the father-in-law allowed to look after his son-in-law? It doesn't make sense anywhere.

So the third young master Bai was also moved, and he took a look at Da Gege: "The emperor won't blame him, will he?"

Da Gege didn't think so: "Of course not, I'm just asking for an official."

In fact, there are quite a few leisurely and respectable official positions in the capital, but Da Gege doesn't want to go back to the capital at all.

When she was not married before, she was resistant to leaving the capital in her heart, and she was not happy at all.

Full of fear.

Feeling that the road ahead is at a loss, once she leaves the capital, it is like a bird leaving the woods and a fish leaving the water, which will make her feel terrified.

But now, she really appreciates the benefits of leaving the capital.

In the capital, few people would value her highly. What everyone valued was always Si Sige, or even the young lady of the Mu family, not her big princess who was not favored by the emperor Ama.

But Hangzhou City is different, no matter which family's female relatives, even the elderly wives, they are polite and smiling when they see me, and there are countless flattering young girls and daughter-in-laws around me them.

This feeling made her truly realize what it means to be born noble!

So Da Gege immediately said: "Forehead, what do you think of the prefect of Hangzhou?"

Of course, the forehead can't be the prefect's deputy, so he should be the prefect of Hangzhou. It's nothing more than a fourth-rank official, what a big deal!

Third Young Master Bai was taken aback, "This--can this work?"

His father, brother, second uncle, cousin, etc. are all officials in other places. This is also the rule of this dynasty to prevent local officials from being too biased towards their relatives and friends when they are officials in their hometown.

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