Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3906 dissatisfied

Among the mountains and fields, if you want to cook some country-style special dishes, it will be more eye-catching and appetizing.

Da Gege intentionally showed off, and brought countless precious ingredients from mountains and seas. Two or three days earlier, he specially invited chefs from famous restaurants in Hangzhou City to start preparations, cooking up exquisite delicacies one after another.

Such as Buddha Jumping Wall, Crab Noodle Lion Head, Three Sets of Duck, Lotus Leaf Chicken, Crispy Suckling Pigeon, Grilled Shark Fin, Braised Abalone, etc., all of which are exquisitely prepared.

If such dishes are served to other guests, it is natural that Bel has face and will be unanimously praised by everyone.

However, she is entertaining the second generation of top aristocrats from the capital, which one is not the best in terms of food and clothing? What kind of delicacies from mountains and seas have you never seen?

Looking at these dishes again, it is no different from looking at home-cooked meals.

Of course, bad is not bad, but there will be no surprises, and there will be no praise.

If adults go to a banquet, they might give them some polite compliments out of politeness. They are all half-grown children, but it's not the time to be so particular about human etiquette. It's not that satisfying, not that amazing, and of course I won't deliberately boast about it.

Da Gege thought that the banquet he prepared with all his heart and money would surely receive countless compliments, but he didn't expect the result to be mediocre.

The heart full of pride and showing off was instantly poured with cold water, and the gap in Da Gege's heart was not insignificant.

Secretly suffocated.

Forget about other people, Hongzhang and Sisi are their younger siblings after all, who knows that they don't give her this sister any face at all! Not even a word of praise!

Where does this put her sister in the eyes?

It was a waste of her to entertain them with all her heart. In the end, it was just a shaved head and hot hair!

At this moment, Da Gege only felt cold in his heart.

So the attitude has become a little negative and perfunctory.

Although they are all half-grown children, none of them are stupid, and things in terms of feeling cannot be faked. Many people noticed Da Gege's attitude, and immediately felt a little disappointed, and had no intention of continuing to play.

Originally, it was Da Gege who took the initiative to invite everyone to come over, but in the end, no one made trouble, and it was nothing, Da Gege suddenly showed a somewhat unhappy expression at the banquet, who can bear it?

It affects the mood very much!

Not long after lunch, someone clamored to go back.

Hongzhang and Sisi also noticed that Da Gege suddenly lacked interest, and were also confused and inexplicable. They both thought of the various grievances and hatreds between Concubine Qi's mother and son and their own mother and son, and only thought Da Gege was Because I thought of these things, I became perfunctory towards my siblings.

The siblings were also a little unhappy.

Since someone said he wanted to leave, of course he would.

Just go together.

Since the hosts are not welcome anymore, why stay here?

When they asked to leave, Da Gege became more and more convinced that they looked down on him and deliberately didn't give him face. He was frustrated and depressed, and he simply didn't bother to stay. He forced a smile and wanted to see off the guests——

Third Young Master Bai became anxious when he saw it!

How can you leave so quickly? Anyway, he couldn't bear it!

After this meeting, it might be a farewell, or the next time we meet, Miss Mu's family is probably already married, so how can I take another look?

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