With so many people around Sisi and Hongzhang, it would be even more serious if something happened in the future because of too loose management.

At this moment, Mu Jin didn't have time to think too much, so she looked at Princess Luoyue and motioned for her to continue talking.

Princess Luoyue was frank and frank, without the slightest guilt of speaking ill of others behind her back, and said bluntly to Mu Jin: "Ulan's temperament is indeed not very good, and she is now a Sanfujin, so how can she look up to Nan San What about the two side Fujins in the institute? I heard that Bai Jiashi and Wanyanshi have suffered a lot from her and been bullied by her a lot."

"The third elder brother indulged Ulan again, and the two side Fujin knew that Ulan would most likely be their mistress in the future, so they dared not go against her even more."

"A person like Ulan, how can he know what to accept when he sees it? The Bai Jia family is fine, and the Wanyan family is pregnant, so Ulan is even more targeted. The minister heard that the Wanyan family had a miscarriage, so I don't know. Is it real!"

"What did you say!" Mu Jin's face changed drastically, "Wanyan's miscarriage?"

Mu Jin looked at Nurse Yan beside her: "Nurse Yan, do you know about this?"

They have been back to Beijing for five or six days. If such a thing really happened, they should not know about it.

Yan Momo also changed face when she heard Princess Luoyue's words, and hurriedly knelt down: "Return to your mother, this old slave doesn't know. I asked the stewards in the palace what happened during these days? —nobody ever talked about it!"

Mu Jin's face became even uglier.

Princess Luoyue sneered, "You don't have to be surprised, empress, Wulan can't see that Wanyan is pregnant, and she can't wait to get rid of her child, but if it really happened, she will be afraid and pester the third elder brother There are also some people who are not allowed to call out.”

Both Mu Jin and Yan Momo were sullen.

Did not say? Such a big matter, is it that they can hide it without telling them?

If it is really as Princess Luoyue said, these three elder brothers are simply utterly confused and absurd!

"This matter is no small matter, I will definitely ask someone to investigate it carefully, but fortunately Princess Luoyue told me, otherwise, I would still be kept in the dark."

Princess Luoyue smiled and waved her hands: "I can't be like your mother, and my servant is just talking gossip!"

Mu Jin smiled, and ordered Madam Yan to take a pair of white jade paperweights as rewards to Princess Luoyue: "This palace still has a lot of good things from the southern tour, and I will give them to Princess Luoyue after they are distributed. Send it with the princesses!"

Princess Luoyue got up and thanked her with a smile, and left immediately.

As soon as she left, Mu Jin ordered Mother Yan to check. Ask a good question.

Nanny Yan also knew that this was not a trivial matter, so she agreed and went to ask in person without assigning anyone.

The third elder brother is now living in the south third house with two side Fujin, and Mu Jin is the queen in charge of the six palaces. These things are originally her duties, and she should take care of them.

The prince's side Fujin had a miscarriage, and this was the fourth master's first grandchild. To be honest, this matter was not a trivial matter.

Long Kedo's group of people might seize this matter and make a big fuss about themselves, and maybe there will be a censor saying that he, the empress, has no morals and dereliction of duty.

That's all, more importantly, she should have known about such an important matter, and told fourth master well.

Nanny Yan soon came back to reply, Princess Luoyue was right, Wanyan Fangfu Jin had indeed had a miscarriage.

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