Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3955 The fourth master is furious

Fan Buzhuo made the emperor unhappy because of this.

However, this is not a simple garden thing. It's wrestling with the queen.

If you don't come to this garden, wouldn't it mean you lost to the queen? Losing to the queen, the queen may not know how to be proud, so she can't bully her daughter and son-in-law so hard in the future?

How can this work!

So, must!

Fourth Master was furious!

It just doesn't make sense!

If King Ongniud didn't know what the Old Summer Palace meant before, he should know now, right? Is what I said clear enough?

However, he still didn't change his words, he still pestered the Old Summer Palace, what was he trying to do?

Deliberately against yourself?

Or was he too kind to him, too respectful of the Mongolian tribes, so that they all didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, respect and etiquette, and acted as they wanted, and they didn't take him, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, at all?

Yeah, how could they take him seriously? Since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, they have always actively shown goodwill to all Mongolian ministries. I don’t know how many princesses have married to go to Mongolia. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, there were even more Mongolian concubines and queens.

But are the Mongolian ministries in peace?

Some are restless!

Da Qing pretended not to see the little tricks and troubles when he opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

The massive rebellion forced the Qing Dynasty to send troops.

Everyone in the Qing Dynasty knew how hard and difficult the rebellion involving several departments in Gerdan's department was. Everyone in the Qing Dynasty knew that Huang Ama was even forced to conscript himself.

If it wasn't for Huang Ama's personal conquest, which severely frightened all the tribes in Mongolia, and made most tribes dare not take this path lightly, I'm afraid that I don't know how many tribes will be dissatisfied now.

However, even if you don't oppose it, this attitude is really not good!

Dare to feel that what the emperor said is deaf to his ears!

He didn't take it seriously at all.

How dare you say such shameless words.

What does it mean that even if they are given to themselves and Jin'er, they can still stay for a while? What is this like? What is the system?

As Huang Ama, he took the queen to live in his son's garden from time to time, what would the courtiers and dignitaries think?

Is this person talking on purpose, or is he out of his mind?

No matter whether he was on purpose or not, he managed to offend fourth master.

How could fourth master be forced to swallow his breath with a single sentence?

"It goes without saying that the Old Summer Palace has already been given to the queen. What the prince means is that I will take away the queen's property and give it to the third child and Princess Wulan? What is filial piety? Everyone in the world will spurn them! The ancestors of heaven will not allow it !"

King Wengniute opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth, his mind was a little dazed for a moment, and he couldn't understand what fourth master meant.

"This, this—this is just a garden, it's not, is it so serious?"

The fourth master snorted coldly, "The empress is the third son's aunt, so it's serious for a son to rob the aunt's beloved thing? I don't have such an unfilial son!"

King Ongniud's face changed drastically, he understood what he said.

However, even if the garden belongs to the empress, isn't it the emperor who is bigger and the emperor has the final say?

The emperor wants to give it, why not?

But fourth master had obviously bet on this, so he didn't dare to say it again.

What made him feel even more awe-inspiring was that the fourth master was already very dissatisfied with the third elder brother with his words. If he persisted, it would be tantamount to harming the third elder brother

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