Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3959 The Children's Marriage

Mu Jin had a good idea of ​​the ideas of each school.

It is only natural for children to grow up and marry wives.

However, this is also worrying!

What if you marry an unworthy person, or if the two parties don't get along well?

In particular, Mu Jin had already made up her mind that her son would only marry one, so she had to choose carefully.

In the other masters' houses, she has been chatting with her sisters-in-law over the years, and she has to convey some ideas to them intentionally or unintentionally. After so many years of subtle influence, of course there will always be something useful.

Sisters-in-law, think about it carefully, no, if there is only one regular wife, three or four children will be enough!

In the backyard, one on the left and the other on the right, it's not enough to be annoying or disturbing enough.

For example, there have been no newcomers in the tenth and thirteenth masters' residences these years. How are the ten and thirteen Fujin doing well? In contrast, those backyards where newcomers entered one after another were extremely lively and annoying.

Thinking about how my son will have to face such a messy situation in the future, it really makes one's scalp tingle.

The most important thing is that if the emperor and empress do this, such a thing is naturally a good thing, so why should others hesitate?

Therefore, most of the Fujins secretly have the same thoughts as Mu Jin.

Unanimously, everyone was worried about choosing a daughter-in-law - if they only married one, they had to choose carefully!

Mu Jin thought, Hongzhang is only fifteen years old, he is still young, so there is no need to worry too much. Let's take it slow first.

The new generation of noble girls and young men in the entire capital basically grew up together, so maybe they see each other right?

Mu Jin felt that his son was not stupid, and he had a good eye after thinking about it. Maybe he could find a good one by himself? In this way, it can be regarded as saving yourself.

The irresponsible mother thought so.

As for Sisi? A daughter is different from a son, and she must not be easily married off. If a son-in-law wants to marry her, he must go through the barrier between himself and the fourth master!

In the early autumn, the reeds gradually changed color, and the waterways interspersed in large tracts of withered and yellow reeds. When the wind blows, the reed flowers dance all over the sky like snow, reflecting the water color, which is so beautiful.

Over the past few years, Yun Min's design skills have become more and more sophisticated, and he has become one of the best under Shi Fangyun's subordinates.

Of course, Shi Fangyun was not stingy with her. Over the past few years, Yun Min had earned more than 50,000 taels of silver, and not only quietly bought a big house, but also bought some fields.

Even if the younger brother gets married in the future, even if the uncle and aunt pick and search, it will be enough.

For this, Yun Min has always been grateful to Shi Fangyun and to the Mu family.

She understands very well that without Shi Fangyun's cultivation, relying on herself alone, no matter how talented she is, her vision is limited, and it is impossible to reach the height she is today.

As the Yunxian sisters grew up day by day, Zhang Jiashi's thoughts became more and more focused on their sisters, worrying about the marriage between the two sisters, and even less caring about Guan Yunmin's daily life behind closed doors. Cowardly and transparent people.

Yun Min became more and more courageous, often going out for a whole day.

Over the years, she has traveled all over the mountains and rivers around the capital, and sometimes even traveled nearly a hundred miles in a carriage.

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