Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3987 Zhang Jiashi stared at her coldly, thinking

When everyone saw that he was selected as a scholar, they became frivolous, and even more believed that it was his luck. But if good luck happens once, can it happen twice or three times?

Will not!

So, still no one pays attention to him.

Anyone who yelled at him about taking the Juren examination was taken as a joke.

Young, frivolous and superficial, complacent, what kind of a successful candidate, the horoscope has not yet been written, but it is full of airs, and still plays truant every day

Yun Min could only continue to beg: "I, I just want to see it, and I will give up after seeing it. Third Aunt, just promise me. Just this time, okay?"

Zhang Jiashi stared at her coldly, thinking in his heart.

Yun Xian smiled, and said gloomyly: "Since she doesn't give up, she must see Shun Lian fail the ranking with her own eyes, so she will be fulfilled. This marriage can be settled first, and it is not impossible to postpone the marriage for a year or two."

Yun Min's heart sank, and she gritted her teeth with hatred: Yun Xian is so hateful!

Zhang Jia's idea of ​​her daughter's was of course all in favor, and she smiled and said: "Xian'er is smart, let's do it like this!"

After a few words between the mother and daughter, Yun Min's marriage was settled.

Yun Min wanted to say something more, but knew it was useless to say it, so she bit her lip and held back.

Zhang Jiashi stared at her and sneered: "I warn you, be honest with me, otherwise, don't blame me for finding a good marriage for you! Oh, don't think I can't do it, just find someone far away from the capital, far away from you Send it out, who still remembers you? Who will say anything? Think carefully!"

"It's none of your business now, get the hell out of here! That dead girl Wanqing is not a good girl either, Nanny Zhou, go find Ren Yazi and sell her! Sell her far away from the capital, and the price is a bit lower." It doesn't matter if you let it!"

Yun Min's face changed drastically: "Third Aunt, Wan Qing has served me for so many years, please keep her! Please!"

Yun Min rarely feels powerless, she always thinks of ways, thinks of various ways, and tries her best to do what she wants to do well.

Even if she was wronged or humiliated a little, she didn't care, and she wouldn't care about them.

But Wanqing——

She couldn't just watch the third aunt sell her! Third Aunt will definitely not find a good buyer for Wan Qing, what will Wan Qing do in the future?

For the first time, Yun Min felt a real sense of panic and powerlessness.

Eye sockets gradually turned red, tears fell one by one, Yun Min had never cried in front of Zhang Jiashi before, she raised her head and begged: "Third Aunt, please, it's my fault, I will never dare to I beg you! Wanqing has served me for so many years, I, I can't leave her behind! I'm used to her serving me, please!"

Zhang Jiashi was stunned for a moment, a little bit at a loss and a little bit annoyed.

"That's all, she's just a cheap girl, I don't want to bother with you. But, I can't let her off so easily, fine her for a year and a month, and hit her with 20 boards! It can't be less!"

Yun Min's heart twitched violently, but she didn't dare to resist anymore, and said in a low voice: "This, this is what she deserves, thank you Third Aunt."

Zhang Jiashi hummed softly, finally feeling happy in her heart.

This feeling of life and death is really good.

In order for Yun Min to learn a lesson and never dare to commit another crime, when Wan Qing was spanked, Zhang Jiashi ordered Yun Min to watch from the sidelines.

Yun Min didn't dare not listen.

The board hit Yun Min's body again and again, which made her tremble with fear, and her face was as white as white.

Twenty boards is not a long time, but Yun Min felt as if he had been tormented for a cycle.

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