Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4016 Isn't this unfair

Zhang Jiashi didn't believe Yun Min's nonsense at all, and sneered, "Don't want to cause us trouble? Amin, how old were you then, you are sensible!"

Yun Min smiled shyly: "Thank you, Third Aunt, for your compliment."

Zhang Jiashi choked: "."

"Forget it," the third master frowned, and cast a reproachful look at Yun Min. He felt that Yun Min was a little too eloquent.

It's not good for a girl to be too eloquent, she can easily become a gossip, which is annoying and easy to gossip.

Such a person is not allowed in the Guerjia family's house.

Otherwise, if you leave the cabinet in the future, you will be ridiculed at the slightest disagreement, what will it be like? Others will say that they are uncles and aunts who don't pay attention to teaching nephews and nieces.

In the final analysis, it is not biological, so there is no teaching at all.

Isn't this wronging the dead?

The third master thought about it, and later he had to talk to his wife carefully, and invite a nanny to come back and teach this girl Yun Min well. This girl is supposed to say kiss now, if she is taken out to see each other in such a state, how can she do it?

"I don't need to talk about the past. It's not right for Shun Lian to study abroad by himself. Where can you invite a good gentleman from your children's family?"

The third master took a look at Shun Lian, and finally showed some satisfaction on his face: "Since Shun Lian has been selected as a scholar, it means that he still has some talent. If you work hard for a few years, you might be able to win a Juren. Work harder , even a Jinshi, maybe I can think about it. If there is a day, I will be worthy of you Ama Erniang!"

The third master continued to say with emotion: "Starting tomorrow, Shun Lian will not leave the mansion anymore, and stay in the mansion to study properly. I will hire a good gentleman to come back and teach."

Shun Lian was shocked: "Third Uncle, my current master is very good! Don't bother me so much!"

Moreover, Brother Mu can often teach and point out a thing or two. Brother Mu's knowledge is really good! Being able to get his advice and benefit a lot, this is a blessing that many people can't ask for.

You must know that he was able to pass the scholar examination at a young age, and he dared to think about raising people to be a Jinshi, because of the guidance and teaching of Brother Mu.

"Okay," the third master was a little displeased, frowning and said: "Don't talk about this matter again, the third uncle is for your own good, you just need to study at ease, and the other third uncles will prepare and arrange for you! You are so young , understand what?"

"Also, if you have nothing to do in the future, don't enter the back house. The most important thing is to study hard."

In particular, Yun Min is so eloquent and has a bit of arrogance to disrespect elders, if Shun Lian comes to the backyard too much, it will not be affected by her.

it won't work

Shun Lian opened his mouth, but was unable to say anything else!

It's hard for Yun Min to say anymore, in this house, the elders are the ones who make the decisions.

Both of them agreed immediately.

"That's right. Young people should be humble and steady, be strict with themselves, think twice before acting, think twice before speaking, and not be frivolous. That's not what the children of a good family should look like."

"Okay, it's okay, you go back."

"Third uncle," Yun Min called the third master again, and said, "Nurse An and Uncle An are getting older, and they can't do things very well anymore. I think I'll let them leave the house next month Give it back to them, what do you think?"

The third master's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Yun Min carefully, but he didn't see any clues, he nodded after thinking for a while and said, "That's fine. When the time comes, ask your third aunt to pick two more good ones to take care of the yard. "

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