Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4023 This is a great bargain

Matchmaker Ma smiled, a little uneasy.

In fact, apart from this one, there are two other conditions that echo what Zhang Jiashi said. But according to the horse matchmaker's probing, Anhui was the one who made the most generous move, and expressed that he was willing to give him three hundred taels of silver as a thank-you matchmaker after the matter was completed.

Three hundred taels, why is the matchmaker not tempted?

Zhang Jia's face turned dark, "What? Filling in the house? The girl who married our family is only 50,000 taels for filling in the house?"

After all, she is also a girl from the Guerjia family. Zhang Jia is of course not willing to give her only fifty thousand silver at such an old age.

When the horse matchmaker heard the joke, she immediately smiled and made amends. On the same day, he asked the wealthy businessman again, and increased the silver to 80,000 taels, and Zhang Jiashi reluctantly agreed.

"It's for the sake of his sincerity, and he will treat our girl well in the future."

Matchmaker Ma despised her for being greedy and vicious, but she still wanted to speak decently, as if she, as an aunt, really cared about her niece and daughter, but her face was full of smiles and she nodded in agreement with Zhang Jiashi, taking advantage of the situation He also sighed a few words, "Madam is really kind!", "Even my own mother can't do better than Madam!" Yun Yun, blowing rainbow farts.

The rich businessman didn't care whether there was a wedding or not.

According to him, nothing is normal.

Although the status of businessmen has been greatly improved now, and the sons of businessmen can already participate in scientific examinations to seek fame, but compared with the honorable family, it is still a lot lower.

As long as this girl is really the niece and niece of Princess Li's natal family, that's enough. Don't say she's a prostitute, even if she's a concubine, she's earned it herself!

Is there any wedding now? After three or five years, things have completely stabilized, and the girl naturally gave up on giving birth to her own children.

At that time, if he took her and the child to visit the house openly, he would not believe that Guarjia could drive him and others out.

At that time, the girl will have to make plans for her children, and she will take the initiative to reconcile with Guarjia without saying anything.

This is a great thing for my family!

This is a great deal for me!

The wealthy businessman had no doubts that this matter was fraudulent.

He has traveled between the capital and Anhui for many years, and he has a little understanding of the conditions of these honorable and powerful royal families in the capital.

Many honorable families have long been in ruins, and now there are only empty shells left, trying to save face in front of outsiders.

Both of the girl's parents died, so it's not surprising that the uncle and aunt married her to him for money.

Of course, he is not so easy to pass. The money can be given, first gave 20,000 taels, and received a receipt from the other party.

Then he had to change the Geng Tie first. After the Geng Tie was changed, he would pay the remaining money and return the receipt to Mrs. Guarjia.

Agree on a date and take the girl out of Beijing as soon as possible.

Although Zhang Jia felt that the businessman was a bit too cunning and felt a little unhappy, but he didn't want to make any more trouble, so he agreed.

After all, 80,000 silver is involved, and it makes sense that people want to be more cautious and on the safe side.

Therefore, Zhang Jia received 20,000 silver notes, wrote a receipt, and then handed the Geng Tie to Ma Matchmaker. Waiting for the news over there.

Zhang Jiashi never imagined that all of this was happening under the watchful eyes of Mu Yuansheng's people.

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