Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4058 Gold Awarding Festival

When the time comes, I and Erniang will take Yun Yi to Prince Li's mansion again, to accompany my aunt and Yun Min well.

In the future, we must come and go frequently.

With Yunyi's temperament, she has to talk to Er Niang, she should take care of it

Not to mention, she is so easy to cause trouble, so don't get yourself involved

Prince Li's Mansion.

Princess Li specially ordered Yun Min and Shun Lian to come and choose the material for the new clothes, and asked Yun Min to choose fashionable jewelry.

"It won't be long before the Gold Awarding Festival, this year's Gold Awarding Festival, I want to take you two together."

Princess Li said with a smile.

"Gold Festival?"

Both Yun Min and Shun Lian's eyes lit up.

Shun Lian's eyes lit up, and he smiled happily: "Thank you, aunt, this is really great, I have never seen such excitement! I heard that this year's Gold Awarding Festival will be held in the Old Summer Palace, is it true? Is it?"

Seeing him happy, Princess Li nodded and smiled and said: "That's right! Although the Western Garden in Changchun Garden has not been completed, there are only some delicate work left, such as carving and decoration. It's just right that the Western Garden will be open on the day of the Gold Awarding Festival, everyone can go and see the rarity. There is also an extremely rare fountain!"

"Baigongyuan has also tossed out a lot of good things, and they will be displayed during the Gold Award Festival. This year's Gold Award Festival is really lively!"

"Really? Then I must take a good look at it!" Shun Lian became more and more excited, jumping for joy, wishing that the day of the gold awarding day would come soon.

After Yun Min was happy for a moment, her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't be happy anymore.

Because, no need to think about it, the fourth elder brother will definitely go back.

If she went, maybe she would see the fourth elder brother. That, that scene was really embarrassing to think about, and she actually felt a little guilty for no reason.

Yun Min hesitated, finally opened his mouth, and said with a smile: "Auntie, why don't I not go that day? I, there are too many people, I'm a little scared."

This reason is extremely lame, but she can't help it. Besides, she couldn't find a more suitable reason.

Sure enough, Princess Li didn't care about such a lame reason at all. On the contrary, she felt pity and pity, and said softly with a smile: "Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely not let people bully you. Besides , the empress and the emperor presided over the grand event, all the court ladies and eunuchs who are experienced and well-behaved are serving, but there are no bullying, high-minded, low-handed ones, you, just go at ease."

"." Yun Min had no choice but to reluctantly nod in agreement.

This kind of good opportunity that others can't ask for, if she keeps pushing it away, it will look too abnormal and make people suspicious.

This - just go, she really wants to go and see the excitement. That's Gold Day!

I heard that the Old Summer Palace was extremely large, and there must have been a lot of people that day. The fourth elder brother must be very dazzling, and I don't know how many people surrounded him.

As long as I avoid it, as long as I hide in the crowd, he won't see it.

Thinking of this, Yun Min gradually settled down.

In the blink of an eye, this day came, Yun Min, sister and brother, along with Princess Li and the people from Prince Li's residence, took a carriage to the Old Summer Palace.

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