Because in her capacity, if she really wants to fight to the death with herself and compete with herself, she doesn't need to coax herself into pretending to expose it.

Then it can only mean that Yun Xian and Yun Yi must have made something up.

Yun Yi may not have such a brain, but Yun Xian's brain is very easy to use, she has not been taught.

Yun Min took a deep breath, the matter has come to this point, and he can only take one step at a time.

It's just that she really felt ashamed of her aunt.

The maid led Yun Min to the depths of the palace, opened the door of a small hall, and invited her in.

Every part of the entire western palace complex is built and decorated according to western architecture, and the living room is the same.

Gorgeous Western furniture and carpets, velvet embroidered curtains with gold trim, pillows, cushions, tablecloths, curtains, etc., large bouquets of blooming flowers, crystal chandeliers, and simple and elegant decorations make people feel like they are in a foreign world.

At this moment in this hall, the Empress is sitting on the main seat, and next to her are Princess Li, the Fourteenth Fujin, and the Fourteenth Fujin Shu Shujue Luoshi—that is, Shuming Gege's biological mother, the Fourteenth Fujin Li Shi .

Shuming Gege sat next to Shu Shujue Luo, and the other Shuqiao, Shuyou, Yunxian and Yunyi that Yun Min had seen in the Nine Palaces Formation were also there.

The little girls sat around on the small stools.

Maids, maids, and eunuchs stood by.

In this gorgeous oval-shaped living room, which is not too big or too small, it looks very lively.

Seeing her coming, Princess Li smiled and nodded at her, and said softly, "Come on, please greet the Empress!"

"Yes," Yun Min was a little nervous, not daring to look up at the empress.

All she knew was that when she came in, she didn't dare to look up, her eyes drifted away for a moment, and she caught a glimpse of an extremely beautiful woman, graceful and elegant, with a gentle expression that seemed to be smiling, making people dare not look more, humble and respectful The feeling arises spontaneously.

The little maid led Yun Min to kneel down, and Yun Min respectfully kowtowed: "My daughter, Guerjia Yunmin, please greet the empress, the empress is auspicious!"

Thinking that the fourth elder brother is the empress's direct son, Yun Min felt a little guilty for no reason.

Can't help but think wildly.

How can a person like her be compared with the fourth elder brother?

If, if the empress knows, I wonder if she will be punished.

"Let's get back on your feet and sit down." Mu Jin nodded with a smile, and said to Princess Li with a smile, "Is this the second sister-in-law's niece? It's good to see."

"Your Majesty is absurd. You are still young after all." Princess Li bowed and smiled.

The little maid led Yun Min to sit down.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi snorted lightly in his nose, very unhappy.

This girl's hands and feet are dirty, she is a thief, but the empress is so flattering, she really doesn't take Master Fourteen seriously, and doesn't take herself seriously.

Shu Shujue Luo said: "Empress Empress, since this Yun Min has come, shouldn't it be time to get down to business?"

Shu Shu felt that when Luo Shi opened his mouth, he was still so annoying.

Mu Jin didn't answer, Liang Liang stared at her, not hiding her disgust at all.

Shu Shu feels that Luo Shi has long been out of the favor of the Fourteenth Master. These years, it would be good if the Fourteenth Master could spend a night with her for a few months. But she has a wonderful daughter.

Her daughter Shuming Gege is the favorite child of the Fourteenth Master, even the eldest son has to take a step back.

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