Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4080 Inexplicably a little guilty

Mu Jin also looked at her son in a strange way, and said with a smile, "I heard what you said, why do you know what's going on?"

Yun Min's body froze, and he squeezed his palm subconsciously.

He forcefully forced himself to stop the urge to look up at the fourth elder brother.

For some reason, she felt a little guilty.

Everyone was also wondering and curious, wondering how this matter has anything to do with the fourth elder brother?

Dudu Yunxian thought of that Luozi, and thought of Yun Min's chance meeting with the fourth elder brother before, she felt a little uneasy for no reason, and couldn't help but secretly glanced at Yun Min.

"Of course I know," the fourth elder brother said with a nonchalant tone and a slight smile, "Just now I also hid in the Nine Palaces for a while. I saw it first, and I don’t know who lost it. The Guerjia girl said she picked it up and gave it to Aunt Erhuang to find out who the owner is. I have no theory. I didn’t expect such an oolong to happen. .”

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

Shu Qiao giggled and said, "The fourth brother was there just now, but why did we only see Miss Yunmin but not the fourth brother? It's not that the fourth brother met someone but didn't take him away from the Nine Palaces Formation It's kind."

Everyone could hear that Gege Shuqiao didn't mean to bury the fourth elder brother on purpose, but to give him a chance to explain.

After all, Yun Min had never been to the Old Summer Palace, let alone a place like the Nine Palaces, so it was not surprising that he would get lost in it. However, the fourth elder brother is familiar with him, and since he met someone, he left him there alone, no matter how you look at it, it is not kind and demeanor.

The fourth elder brother suddenly smiled helplessly and said: "Originally, the master planned to lead the lost girl from the Guerjia family to leave the Jiugong Formation, but when he heard that a group of you were coming, the master thought that you would also lead her out. , don’t you just leave now?”

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

Either an adult, or a girl in her teens, how can she not understand the meaning of the fourth elder brother?

Lonely men and widows are staying there, if a group of people run into them, it is inevitable that people will say something unpleasant.

The noble ladies were even more relieved, and thought that it was not so, if someone bumped into them, and the people in the Guarjia family used this to force the fourth prince to "responsible", maybe it would be fine. It worked!

When it comes to the clean reputation of the girl's family, even the emperor and empress have nothing to say.

In this way, wouldn't the fourth elder brother suffer a lot?

Yun Min also hurriedly said: "It's all my fault. If I had known that after Brother Si left, I would have stood there and waited for you Gege and the girls, but I walked around by myself and went the wrong way. Fortunately, I ran into you again later. , otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come out right now.”

Speaking of the Nine Palaces Formation, she really felt a little tingly and had lingering fears.

It's really hard to get out when you're stuck in there.

Shu Shujue Luo groaned softly, looked at Yun Min with an uneasy expression, and said, "Since you and the fourth elder brother saw this brocade box together, why didn't you tell me just now?"

Yun Min: "How can you involve Si elder brother in such matters?"

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi choked.

Mu Jin glanced at her in displeasure, no, after all these years of living in vain, she is not as sensible as a junior!

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