Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4127 Yun Xian saw an opportunity

Even if Longkodo was not very happy, he could only give up.

Although he is still in charge of Jiucheng Bingmasi now, Ninetowns Bingmasi is no longer the only one in his family, because of the relationship between the queen and the Mu family, the emperor has become increasingly alienated from him, and he no longer calls him "Uncle! "It's time!

Besides, this son of my family was originally a bastard, no matter how good I thought it was, others would look down on me. What's more, there is a mother like Li Si'er.

The son can't stop marrying a wife all the time, so Longkodo has no choice but to admit it.

Order Dai Jiashi to hire, hold the wedding ceremony, and marry back the concubine daughter of the fourth-rank official whom Dai Jiashi likes.

Li Si'er and Xing Fan were not happy about this marriage.

Li Si'er put on the posture of a mother-in-law, trying to make things difficult for his daughter-in-law, who knows that the daughter-in-law here is also a hidden needle, Li Si'er suffered a big loss, and asked Long Ke to punish him twice, feeling angry and angry Hate, how ugly it is to scold behind your back.

Dai Jiashi laughed when she heard this, even if she was rolling on the ground and scolding secretly, it had nothing to do with her.

Today's Li Si'er is no longer what it used to be, if he dared to run up to him and scold her, he would dare to teach her a lesson.

Of course, she has been punished a lot, and she has learned to be good, so she only dares to torment herself behind others' backs.

Xingfan is also dissatisfied with his new daughter-in-law, he feels that he loses face.

Under the subtle teaching of his mother, Xingfan has long been confident, thinking that a noble girl who is not from a famous family is not worthy of him at all!

Then, of course he is not satisfied with his new wife.

Yun Xian saw an opportunity.

Yun Min is the daughter of the first wife, and also the first-line niece of Princess Li's natal family. She has a high status, and most importantly, she has a good relationship with the Mu family. The blueprints she designed are extremely exquisite and can be sold for a lot of money!

Then Aunt Li, mother and son, don't they love money?

She has status, money, and no parents, so what if she is plotted against her?

Relying on his status, Xingfan was able to do such a thing without any scruples.

What is missing right now is an opportunity to lure Xingfan to make a move.

This is also easy to handle, Yunxian followed suit and wrote an anonymous letter and ordered someone to quietly deliver it to Li Si'er.

Li Si'er couldn't read, but he was naturally keen on it, so he called Xingfan and asked him to read it to him.

When Xingfan thought, the eyes of both mother and son lit up immediately.

Li Si'er laughed happily: "This is really a good thing that fell from the sky! It can be seen that that bitch Dai Jia didn't care at all, otherwise he wouldn't have married you such a useless wife! Hmph , keep saying that there is no suitable person anymore, isn’t Guarjia Yunmin the right one? Why didn’t she find her?”

Having status but no parents, naturally she is a bit shorter than others, but this status is really not low. Others despise her. Since my son is a bastard, I can barely despise her!

Isn't it good to get married? She has something to do with Princess Li and Prince Li's mansion, and she is so good at making money.

Li Si'er's heart was burning hot: "Since someone has provided an opportunity, it's not worth it if you don't go, go!"

Xing Fan was a little hesitant at first, after all, he has married a wife now, this matter. The other party's status is not low, can this be done?

Li Si'er didn't care, and said with a sneer, "What's wrong with that? You just met by chance. If you really think about it, it's not your fault. Such a good opportunity, after passing this village, there will be no such shop."

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