Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4135 It's him

Shun Lian was also listening and refused to leave.

Of course, his sister's affairs are also his affairs, and he cares about his sister more than anyone else.

Yun Min understood that what Auntie meant by mentioning Gong Li was to make herself tell the truth objectively and honestly, not to lie a single word.

She nodded in response, and then said: "Yesterday, I don't know what happened. The three of us sisters were admiring the plum blossoms in the plum grove. Mother Lin had a stomachache and went to clean her hands. The three of us were originally together, but unconsciously We got separated, and suddenly there was a young gentleman with five servants."

Hearing what Yun Min said, Prince Li's face suddenly became very ugly.

Shun Lian even gritted his teeth angrily, cursing in a low voice.

What kind of bastard thing is that, and where did it come from? Why do you want to have trouble with his sister!

"I don't know who he is, but he actually knows who I am, and he decided to take me down the mountain. At that time, there were only me and Xiaotuan, and I didn't dare to shout, otherwise I was afraid they would tie people up and gag. I I had no choice but to pretend to be terrified and obey them."

"The mountain road is rugged, the mountain wind is raging, and the road is not safe."

After hearing this, Princess Li gritted her teeth and said, "It's unreasonable! Under the feet of the Son of Heaven, there are people who dare to do such evil! Knowing who you are, dare to do this. They didn't put the Guerjia family and me, Princess Li eyes!"

"Whose dandy is it? So bold!"

Shun Lian said with red eyes: "Auntie, this is aimed at my sister on purpose. Someone must have framed my sister! Someone wants to destroy my sister!"

Princess Li's face darkened, and she even thought of Zhang Jiashi.

Besides Zhang Jiashi, who else could it be?

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Shun Lian, my aunt will definitely decide for your sister in this matter, don't be impulsive, let alone say a word. Well, my aunt still has some things to do To discuss with your sister, you should go down and rest first. You must have not slept well last night. "

Shun Lian didn't really want to leave yet, Yun Min smiled: "Go quickly, am I fine?"

Shun Liansu came to listen to her sister's words, so she reluctantly got up, "Thank you, aunt! Then, I'll go first."

Yun Min gave her a small nod.

Princess Li's eyes were soft and soft, and she sighed in her heart, this child really listens to her sister's words very much. Min'er didn't love him in vain.

As soon as Shun Lian left, Yun Min said, "Auntie, although I don't know who that person is, I can draw it."

Princess Li's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "I forgot that you have this skill, draw quickly. As long as I have a portrait, I will dig three feet into the ground, and I will definitely find this person!"

Yun Min is used to drawing, and his brushwork is very good. In less than a quarter of an hour, a sketch of a character appeared vividly on the paper.

Even the sloppy and unscrupulous expression was painted vividly.

Princess Li's face changed after only one glance: "It turned out to be him!"

Yes, she is confused! There are not many companies in the capital who dare to act so boldly, but when it comes to the son of Longkodo, he can indeed do such a thing.

As for Tong Jiashi, how impressive it is!

In this capital city, there is nothing they are afraid of!

Yun Min had long expected that this person's family must have a lot of background, and it was not surprising that her aunt would recognize who it was at a glance, so she hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask my aunt, who is this person?"

Ask for collection

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