Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 4143 It is useful to scatter and roll, what do you need the Yamen for

Li Si'er even fainted on the spot, if Dai Jia's eyesight and hands were not quick to order someone to imprison her, she would have run to the gate of the palace and cried on her knees.

That's okay? Isn't that intentional?

Want to use Sapo's trick of rolling and kneeling at the palace gate to force the emperor? Can the emperor be persecuted?

After so many years, I still haven't made any progress at all. Do you really think that this set of shameless behavior can solve all problems?

Spoiling and rolling is useful, so what do you need the Yamen for?

If you don't discipline your son well, what's the use of worrying now?

What Longkodo loves the most is this son, how can he bear it when he sees this? Hastily went to beg the old father who had become an official and recuperated in the villa, and begged him to come forward to intercede.

This is not only a matter of his concern for his son, but also involves Tong Jia's decency! He wanted to enter the palace to intercede, but he vaguely understood that his weight in front of the emperor was far from enough.

The emperor may not give him face.

Tong Guowei was almost pissed to death by him. Why did he get into trouble because of a concubine who gave birth to a child?

"If it hadn't been for something that provoked the emperor's bottom line, the emperor would not have suddenly launched an attack at this time. You are confused, and you don't even know what happened. How dare you come forward to ask the emperor? You didn't ask your question carefully. Good son, has he been doing anything lately?"

One word awakened the dreamer, and Long Kedo's face changed immediately!

Because he immediately remembered the five servants who were inexplicably taken away from his own house, and he knew that those five servants were Xingfan's followers.

It is almost impossible for other people to take away five people from the house so quietly, but if the person who did this is the emperor's person, then nothing is impossible!

That's right, Xingfan must have led those five people to do something, and it's still something that should not be made public.

"That unworthy thing! My son will ask him now!" Longkodo gritted his teeth.

Tong Guowei said coldly: "It's all come to this point, the judgment of Dali Temple has been handed down, what's the point of asking again? Without the emperor's will, Dali Temple will not judge like this. Forget it!"

"Ama!" Long Keduo's eyes were tearing apart.

That is his son! How can he bear the pain for so many years?

Tong Guowei's eyes were cold and cruel: "The emperor is someone who will change his mind easily? He's just a worthless bastard, and keeping him would be a disaster. Why not? If he wasn't a child of Tong Jia's family, he might not be exiled but autumn." I'll kill you later! You'd better be more sensible, and don't go to the emperor to find it unpleasant."

Long Kedo was devastated and left his father's secluded Zhuangzi.

After he returned to Beijing, he went to Dali Temple and asked to see Xingfan.

I didn't want to, and I was rejected.

Longkodo was furious.

Emotions that had been suppressed erupted.

When did Tong Jiashi get bullied to this extent? He just wanted to see his son, not take him away, is that okay?

In the end, the right servant who stayed at Dali Temple told him secretly with a wry smile that Xingfan was actually no longer in the prison of Dali Temple, and had been taken away by the emperor's people. As for where he was taken, he didn't know.

Longkodo left without saying a word as if struck by lightning.

He was startled, frightened and frightened in his heart, what the hell is going on?

What the hell did his son do? How could the emperor be so angry and fearful?

After returning home, he didn't need Li Si'er to look for him, so he hurried to find Li Si'er.

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