Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 806 So everyone is looking forward to it

Fortunately, the trial has been very successful before, and it should be done very quickly today. It only needs the simplest set of tools, utensils and raw materials, which is enough in your own yard.

Buckwheat, Xiaotao, etc. are very excited and can't wait. The birthday cake made by Fujin is so delicious, it is simply fascinating!

They don't dare to think about the one dedicated to the master today, but there will always be extra materials, right? Anyway, it can satisfy my hunger!

So everyone is looking forward to it!

Fourth Master had to enter the palace early in the morning to kowtow to Lord Kangxi and Concubine De, and Mu Jin also started to work here.

Around noon, a two-tiered birthday cake was completed.

Not too big or too small—too small and petty, too big and not too good to eat, so it should be neither big nor small and slightly smaller, so that everyone is just pleasantly surprised and full of expectations, this state is the best.

The two-layer cake was baked deliciously, with a thick layer of cream on the outside, and a circle of exquisite patterns.

There were no fresh fruit decorations at this time, so Mu Jin piled up several roses with dyed cream. Rose rouge is dyed red, maple leaf juice is dyed purple, pumpkin juice is dyed orange, yellow gardenia fruit is dyed yellow, and green vegetable leaves are dyed green to make leaves, which look decent.

On the top, the words "every year today, every year today" are written in amber syrup.

The finished product was placed on the table beside the table, and the buckwheat and others all stared at it, salivating endlessly.

"What a clever idea! This birthday cake is really beautiful and delicious, the master will definitely like it!"

"That's right, the servant has been with the master for two or three years, and I have never seen such a good thing. Today, everyone is very happy!"

It looks very delicious at first glance.

Mu Jin smiled and said: "There are still a lot of ingredients, let's bake two or three small ones to try!" You can try to make different decorations.

The crowd cheered for a while, and they were very enthusiastic to help, saying that this is simply wonderful!

In Qingtong Courtyard, all the elder brothers arrived one after another after ten o'clock. The kitchen of Qingtong Courtyard began to be busy at dawn, and it took a lot of effort to cook more than twenty dishes.

On other people's birthdays, the crown prince never goes there in person before dreaming—the ministers' homes are not allowed to avoid suspicion; the brothers' homes are not allowed to go either, for the sake of self-respect.

But now, the prince runs faster than anyone else.

Greeting 13, 14, 15 and 16 radish heads, shouting five and six early out of the palace gate, they were the first ones to arrive at Si Ye's mansion.

Master Jiu waited for Master Ten to be with him, and made an appointment with Master Eight, and the other masters also made appointments, and some came by themselves.

At Zhijun Wang's mansion, I heard that the crown prince would also go, Zhijun Wang pulled his face and didn't want to go, wondering if he just sent someone to give a random gift?

Da Fujin sighed secretly, and persuaded him politely, on the fourth master's birthday, once the crown prince goes, everyone else will definitely go, and you are the only one who won't go, what's the point? Huang Ama might be unhappy if she found out, why bother to make Huang Ama unhappy about such a trivial matter?

Besides, Fourth Master is still a good person, if you don't look at anything else, just look at the bird's nest soup that has been in for more than half a month, you shouldn't give him face

Zhijun Wang was simply depressed.

He really didn't want to see that bastard Prince! That bastard must have nothing good to say when he sees him! he doesn't want to be angry

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