Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 815: Huangjue Temple

Mu Jin smiled and asked them to cut into pieces and peel them to eat. It was sweet and cold, and it was most comfortable to eat in a warm room.

Mu Jin's favorite is naturally those seeds, the more he looks at them, the more he likes them. Snow peas, broccoli, cabbage, onions, etc., and a small bag of potatoes.

Potatoes are the easiest to get mutated varieties, and the yield is huge, so Mu Jin immediately decided to get all of this bag of potatoes to be planted in the strawberry farm next year to cultivate new varieties. Maybe in the future, French fries and fried chicken can be sold, anyway, ketchup is already ready-made!

As for those coffee beans, Master Jiu is also quite funny, this bag is full of green coffee beans, it is difficult for him to taste it after grinding and soaking in water.

It has to be baked first.

It has a fragrance when it is baked.

Well, but she can't be in a hurry, let alone succeed at the beginning, no one's luck can be so unnatural, she "fails" a few times, and then "coincides" and "finds" the correct way to deal with it.

After that, he could encourage Fourth Master to open up a farm in the south and plant cocoa trees. In the future, he would not only drink coffee often, but also use it to make cakes and chocolates. Thinking about it, he really didn't think he was too happy.

After a few days of recuperation, Fujin finally recovered from his illness. Before the new year, I took the family members of the family to the Huangjue Temple to offer incense.

This is a must-have item every year. Every year on this day, Fujin will take the female family members of the mansion there.

In fact, Mu Jin didn't want to go to offering incense, especially when she was with Fujin, Li Shi and others.

It's just that this is a group activity, and she doesn't want to make herself too special. Fujin has already spoken, so let's go.

She seems to have heard about Huangjue Temple, that old magic stick Rong Qing is staying in Huangjue Temple now.

Early this morning, everyone got into the carriage and went out with Fujin.

The few people did not put on the ostentation of the county prince's mansion, but brought more guards. This kind of formation is not uncommon in the capital, but it did not attract many people's attention.

The abbot of Huangjue Temple knew that Fujin and his party would be coming today, so he specially brought a group of core disciples and brothers to greet him at the mountain gate.

It was far away from the mountain gate, so Fujin ordered to stop and get off the car, and led everyone to walk devoutly step by step.

Li Fang Fujin couldn't help but secretly rolled his eyes, but he didn't dare to object, because every year on this day, Fujin's expression was extraordinarily solemn and fierce and he couldn't be provoked.

Whoever provokes her will explode.

After finally entering the temple, everyone followed Fujin and greeted the abbot politely and devoutly. As soon as Mu Jin raised her eyes, she saw Master Rong Qing beside the host.

The master still remembered her, so he nodded and smiled at her slightly.

Mu Jin hurriedly withdrew her eyes and turned her face away, secretly twitching the corners of her mouth.

This stick looks like it's doing pretty well.

Everyone went to the temple to pay homage, and then went to the Buddhist hall to listen to the presiding lecturer on the Dharma for a while, and then went to rest in the courtyard that had been cleaned up in advance.

Fujin occupied a small courtyard by himself, while Mu Jin and the others occupied a large courtyard next to the small courtyard.

Li Fangfujin occupied the main room first, Mu Jin smiled and had no objection, and took Xiaotao and Xiaocong to choose a side room.

There are several wing rooms in this yard, all of which are two-entry suites, with few people coming, enough for temporary rest.

Song Gege saw that Mu Jin had no intention of arguing with Li Cefujin at all, and didn't even show disapproval or disdain in his eyes, so his eyes flickered.

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