Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 828: How Fucking Wronged!

Fujin was furious, so he sent Nanny Ji to report the reason why Fourth Master grounded Li Fangfujin that day.

Naturally, subtle embellishments are indispensable.

It's true that she also hates Mu Jin, but now her hatred for Li Fangfu Jin has overwhelmed everything else.

Fourth master already had a lot of opinions on Li Fangfujin, but after hearing these words from Aunt Ji, he became even more angry and disgusted.

He sent Li Yugui to the Rose Garden again, and asked Li Fangfujin to eat fast and copy Buddhist scriptures, so that he could calm down so that he would not have to think about good things all day long.

If it weren't for the fact that it was not good to punish her for causing Huang Ama and Er Niang to intervene too much, he wouldn't want to let her out even during the New Year.

simply unchanging

Li Fang Fujin was so angry that his seven orifices smoked, he didn't expect Fujin to do such a great job.

It's fine to punish her, and sue the master!

How can the master not believe Fujin's words? Now it's all right, all my forbearance during this period of time has been in vain again!

How long will it take to let the master and son feel relieved?

Simply hopeless!

Nanny Li came back to her senses faster than her. After hearing what she said about the situation at the time, she quickly realized that Fujin had quietly set a trap for her to exploit.

Fujin knew what kind of temperament she was, and what kind of reaction she would most likely have after hearing what Fujin said.

No, she really fell for it

Li Fangfujin also came back to his senses, dumbfounded.

"Fujin, is she crazy!" Li Fang Fujin was about to go crazy, and roared angrily: "Why! That bitch Mu threw her natal family's face on the ground and stomped on it, yet she endured it? It doesn't count if she endured it. And plotting against me to help the Mu family get ahead! Is she out of her mind!"

She herself was ill and bedridden, it was obvious that the affairs of the mansion would definitely be out of control.

Now that she has plotted and grounded her, Mu Jin has the highest rank in the mansion, who else could it be if she didn't care?

When did Fujin become so sexual? The person whose mother's family was stepped on and helped step on it?

Nanny Li couldn't figure this out either.

Even if their master and servant were thinking about it, they would never figure out that Fujin, who was stimulated and unable to let go of his anger, took revenge on him.

Nanny Li had no choice but to put away all kinds of reliable or unreliable guesses and comfort Li Fangfujin.

It's useless to think about it, anyway, it's already grounded

Li Fangfujin became even more angry!

There is at least a reason for being punished in the past, right? This time is really wronged!

When the news spread that Li Fangfujin was grounded and punished to fast for copying Buddhist scriptures, everyone was shocked.

Then they all thought at the same time: Why was it not Mu Cai Fujin who was punished by Fujin but Li Cai Fujin?

This Li Fang Fujin seems to be quite honest these days, but it is Mu Fang Fujin who provoked Fujin!

Is it because Mu Fangfujin is protected by his master and son, and Fujin couldn't express his anger, so he blamed Li Fangfujin on him?

Even Mu Jin is messed up

The fourth master naturally wouldn't tell Mu Jin what Li's words were full of malice and provocation. He only said that Fujin was ill, and that she should take care of the affairs of the mansion, and she was not allowed to be lazy

Mu Jin: "" Actually, I still wanted to be lazy, but the fourth master suddenly possessed the domineering president, so she could only smile and express her flattery and honor. Please rest assured, master, she will definitely do everything well!

Fourth master smiled, coaxing her to comfort her for a while.

There was a little emotion in his heart, did he really think he couldn't see it? No matter how sweet you smile

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