Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 841 Da Gege pleads for mercy

Fourth master froze slightly.

Heart: ""

It's hard to say.

Mu Jin didn't find it strange, because she had already determined that this was a ritual she didn't understand: when eating here at Fujin, there must be a dish made of sea cucumbers!

As for why it must be sea cucumber, she doesn't know, and she doesn't care.

It was still a little early for dinner, Fourth Master said, "Fu Jin is resting!" He got up and left, taking Mu Jin away along the way, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and they all left soon.

The master is clearly pampering and pampering her on the bright side, and he doesn't shy away from everyone at all.

But even so, who dares to do so?

Dare to question the master?

It can only be said that people have the ability to seduce people.

Yun's heart was particularly sour, and he endured it and did not dare to provoke Fujin in front of him. Fujin has always been dignified, and he was born in the new year, if he said something at this moment, if Fujin got angry, wouldn't he deserve it?

Mu Jin joked to the fourth master: "The master just brought the slaves out like this. If one day the master doesn't like the slaves, I'm afraid others will tear them alive."

"What nonsense are you talking about in New Year's Eve?" Fourth Master glanced at her: "Will there be such a day?"

Mu Jin shook her head decisively: "No! Of course not!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"You!" The fourth master smiled lightly and shook his head, adjusted the cloak that was wrapped around her, and said lightly: "Don't say such unkind words in the future. Besides, Jin'er is now a Fujin, so the master loves you more, others I have nothing to say. If you are a side Fujin, if someone dares to disrespect you, don't you need to tell me what to do?"

Mu Jin was startled for a while, and then gradually became enlightened.

That's right, why hasn't she upgraded to the self-awareness of Fang Fujin? The biggest advantage of becoming a side Fujin is that she can bully others.

Even if she doesn't take the initiative to bully others, if anyone dares to bully her, she can definitely smack them over!

"Slave understands!" Mu Jin smiled sweetly at Fourth Master.

Fourth master smiled lowly, it's stupid enough.

"Ama!" Da Gege suddenly chased after her, trotting all the way.

The two stopped.

"Greetings to Ama, Ama is auspicious!" Da Gege curtseyed a little out of breath as he ran.

Fourth Master nodded, "Get up."

Da Gege nodded to Mu Jin again, and greeted politely: "Mu Fang Fujin!"

Mu Jin smiled: "Big Gege!"

"Ama," Da Gege bit his lips, with a hesitant look on his face, he still begged: "My daughter doesn't know what mistake Er Niang made, and now that she is in the new year, can you just let her go and let her go? Stop your feet. Erniang, her daughter begged Ama!"

Fourth Master raised his head to look at Nanny Qi and the others who were following, everyone else lowered their heads in panic, and Nanny Qi smiled helplessly at Fourth Master.

Obviously, she didn't expect Big Ge to come out suddenly.

"Who taught you this? Who told you what?" Fourth Master asked slowly.

Da Gege's face stiffened slightly, and he shook his head quickly: "I dare not hide anything from Ama, no one taught my daughter anything, and no one said anything to her, yes, it was my daughter's own idea, after all, it was Er Niang."

The fourth master's expression slowed down, and he said softly: "Okay, it's too cold today, you should think about Nanny Qi even if you're not afraid of freezing, Nanny Qi still has old arms and legs and is running outside with you, so why don't you bear it?" Huh? Just mind your own business obediently, and don’t need to think about the others.”

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