Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 864 Neither of them know what Fourth Master is thinking

Mu Jin was silent.

A sneer flickered in his downcast eyes.

How should I deal with asking her? This is simply ridiculous.

She wanted to say that there was no need to deal with a misunderstanding, but would Fujin listen?

Since it is impossible to listen to her, why bother to pretend?

"Is it possible that you think you have nothing wrong with this matter?"

"Don't dare," Mu Jin glanced at Fujin: "Does the master know about this?"

Fujin obviously froze, looking at Mu Jin, a sneer flashed in his eyes, "What? You don't want me to know?"

Mu Jin smiled lightly and shook her head, and said slowly: "For such an important matter, Fujin naturally wouldn't hide it from the master, nor should he, the slave didn't dare to think that way."

What's the use of her thinking that way?

Could it be that she knelt down and begged Fujin, and Fujin would agree to help her keep the secret?

Then, use this to make fun of her?

Mu Jin is not so stupid, she will not do such a thing where one wrong step is doomed to be wrong every step afterward.

Although, she felt very uncomfortable.

"How to deal with Fujin, I have no objection, I just want to be able to explain clearly to the master face to face."

"Even now, you still want to deceive the master with sweet words!"

"No, everything the slave said is true. Now that the matter has come to an end, why does the slave need to lie?"

"Oh," Fujin sneered: "I think it's very necessary. If you don't lie, how can you get over this matter? How can I let you off lightly?"

Mu Jin: "If Fujin doesn't believe it, what can the servant do?"

Fujin was even angrier: "You have nothing to fear! Mrs. Mu, who gave you the confidence? This matter is no small matter, just wait!"

Mu Jin looked in the direction of the partition, and her face changed.

Fujin secretly thought something was wrong, and subconsciously followed her gaze, and saw Fourth Master come out from behind the partition, standing with hands behind his back, slender and tall, with awe-inspiring aura, black eyes as deep as a bottomless cold pool, just staring at Mu Jin.

"Why, why did you come out?" Fujin hurriedly got up.

Mu Jin moved her lips, as if she was frozen, her heart felt like a heavy weight, and she couldn't utter a word.

She was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.


Fortunately, she didn't say anything that shouldn't be said just now. What she said was indeed true.

Even under Fujin's intentional or unintentional inducement, she did not beg Fujin to keep her secret from fourth master.

Fujin kept his composure, he had already dug a hole and waited for her! Fortunately, she didn't think in the wrong direction

Otherwise, if something that shouldn't be said falls into fourth master's ears, it's self-evident what's waiting for him!

Although the current situation is actually not very good.

Fourth master withdrew his gaze, glanced at Fujin, didn't say anything, just walked out without saying a word.

Fujin: ""

Mu Jin: ""

Neither of them knew what fourth master was thinking.

But obviously, Mu Jin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Fourth Master didn't explode on the spot, maybe he was extremely angry, or maybe he wasn't that angry?

A gloomy look flashed across Fujin's eyes, it's come to this point, could it be possible that Master still can't bear to part with Mrs. Mu? This is impossible

"Go down!" Fujin glanced at Mu Jin with a calm tone.

Mu Jin bowed her knees and blessed her, then turned and left.

"Fujin, this—" Wu Nanny was a little dumbfounded: "So, did you let Mrs. Mu go so easily? Fujin, this is a good opportunity!"

Anyway, it should be banned.

And this kind of situation, no matter what, should be longer than the time of Li Cefujin's foot ban, right?

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