Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 905 Relying on the Lord to spoil her, she is the best!

Fourth Master worriedly patted her back, fed her warm water to rinse her mouth, "How is it? Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." Mu Jin nodded, dying, with tears in her eyes, not to mention how pitiful she was.

The feeling of being unable to move up and down in the chest, as if stuffed with a ball of cotton, dissipated slightly, but it was still uncomfortable.

And from this day on, he vomited to death, vomited everything he ate and drank.

Sometimes it's even too late to eat, and I retch crazily when I smell it.

I don’t eat my favorite mushrooms, I don’t eat sliced ​​winter bamboo shoots, I don’t have an appetite for bird’s nest soup, let alone all kinds of fish, shrimp and meat.

Every meal, he insisted on drinking some white porridge, and eating a few boiled vegetables without a drop of oil. Just like that, he screamed and vomited from time to time.

The wisteria garden was full of worries.

The fourth master was also worried, every day after going to court and finishing errands in the yamen, he stayed in the wisteria garden as a company, trying his best to make her happy.

As for food, where is the backyard kitchen? Chef Zhao has already taken over.

Chef Zhao's daily task is to rack his brains, rack his brains, and cook all kinds of fresh dishes in different ways. If he can make Mu Caifujin use a few mouthfuls, he will be a great hero, and the fourth master will reward him heavily.

Restaurants and restaurants in the capital, even street food, if there is something special, Si Ye will send someone to buy it for a try, but it can't improve anything.

Some barely tasted it or shook their heads, some could not even smell it or see it, and retched and started to vomit after smelling it.

Mu Jin suddenly craved the sauce made by Mrs. Cai Guanshi of Baishizhuang. The fourth master was overjoyed, and sent someone to get it at dawn just after dawn.

When he came back, he roasted the beef and radish with that sauce, and Mu Jin had a lunch with relish.

The fourth master was overjoyed, and sent someone to reward Cai Guanshi, and ordered his old lady to make another jar, but at dinner time, he couldn't eat anymore, and still vomited with tears

Everyone in the entire family knew that Mu Fangfujin's pregnancy was really hard.

Song Gege and others were all envious, and they could only sigh after closing the door, but they couldn't even utter the words of jealousy.

It's not interesting, it's not interesting.

The master has done this for her, what else can others think? It's better to wash and sleep as soon as possible.

Seeing how busy Fourth Master was for Mu Jin, and even doing a lot of ridiculous things in Fujin's view, Fujin felt disgusted and disgusted.

She is also a woman, and she is also pregnant, so how come no one else is as capable as her?

In Fujin's view, this is what he did! Relying on the Lord to spoil her like the world!

I can't wait to make trouble and make the whole house restless.

She was clearly pregnant, not to mention that she was raising the baby peacefully, and even hooked up with her grandfather to circle her around.

It is unreasonable to hear that my master has been resting in the wisteria garden every night for a while.

It's hard for the master to do errands outside, and when he comes back to the mansion, he doesn't say that someone is serving her with understanding and relaxing, but he also has to worry about her and pamper her, and he can't be at peace for a moment. Just like this, he has no complaints.

Really confused.

Mrs. Mu didn't know that she felt sorry for Mr. Caring, she felt distressed just looking at it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the master really didn't have many heirs, she would have asked her to reprimand her!

How can she be like this?

The concubine de concubine didn't know anything, and she ordered to take good care of her and make sure that her baby was safe and sound. Thinking about it, Fujin became even more angry.

In the blink of an eye, it is late February, and although the air is still chilly in the chilly spring, the wind blowing has already faded away the biting chill of the winter season, revealing a faint gentleness.

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