Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 909: Fang Fujin has a good appetite today, what a happy event

Mu Jin hugged the quilt and lay on her side, with a silly smile on her lips, she entertained herself for a while, when tiredness hit her, she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After waking up, it was past lunch time.

However, for pregnant women, it is reasonable to eat whenever they want, and it doesn't matter what lunch time or not.

"Would you like to have a meal? Chef Zhao made yam osmanthus cake, osmanthus lotus root, and the white porridge and boiled cabbage you used to use. How about sending you some?"

Mu Jin smiled: "I want yam cake and white porridge."

"Yes, the servant is going!" Buckwheat happily went to get the food box in person.

Fang Fujin's appetite is really good today, it's such a happy event!

The snow-white yam cake is sprinkled with sweet-scented osmanthus sauce with honey. It looks very beautiful, and the sweet taste is also very attractive.

After eating three yam cakes and half a bowl of porridge, Mu Jin suddenly wanted to eat something else.

When fourth master came back, he saw her eating the marinated duck feet with great interest.

The fourth master was overjoyed immediately, and smiled happily as he gave away millions of silver, "Jin'er has a good appetite today! Old Zhao is finally useful!"

Going back to bed at night, Mu Jin snuggled into fourth master's arms, feeling quite guilty and softly saying sorry.

Before, her chest was stuffy, her heart was blocked, she was upset, she felt like she was in dire straits every day, and she couldn't spare the energy to think about other things. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn't bothered her father enough.

Thinking back, I broke out in a cold sweat for no reason, thanks to him being able to bear her

Fourth master is very generous, how could he care about her? How can a woman who dotes on herself be said to be forbearing? It's as sweet as it is.

And now I see that she has a great trend, she is very proud, has a sense of accomplishment, love talk, hugs and kisses, so comforting, how can she be willing to feel guilty?

The atmosphere is just right, but it's a pity that nothing can go further.

Fourth master suppressed the forbearance and regret in his eyes, sighed silently, and hugged her to lie down: "Go to sleep, it's time for Jin'er to rest!"

Mu Jin laughed softly, leaned close to him and said something in a low voice.

Fourth Master froze, and reprimanded: "Don't mess around!"

You've got a lot of guts, how dare you?

Added another sentence: "I don't want to."

Where does Mu Jin care about him? just keep your hands

Fourth Master froze, breathing heavily, and slightly closed his eyes

From this day onwards, the terrible morning sickness that turned the earth upside down and rebelled that day finally passed. For dinner, Mu Jin ate a small half bowl of rice, two pieces of stewed pheasant meat, and a small half bowl of winter bamboo shoot and ham soup.

Although I still retch and vomit occasionally, it is not as severe as before.

Seeing her getting better day by day, Fourth Master felt relieved, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Not two days later, after having dinner that day, fourth master struggled and had to tell Mu Jin that he had to go to Shengjing to host the Spring Festival.

"It takes more than a month to go back and forth. Jin'er is doing well in the mansion. The master will tell the senior executives, Li Yugui, and Bitao to take care of you. Tomorrow, a nanny Yan will be picked from the House of Internal Affairs to serve you. The two eunuchs, Huai Shan and Huai Tang, are good at work, and when they move to Yuping Courtyard, they will follow."

"For the time being, there are three more people, and the Wisteria Garden can still live there. After the others move in, Jin'er can choose slowly. Now that you are pregnant, you can't choose people casually."

"Eat well every day, Imperial Physician Liang will still come to take the pulse on time as before, and wait for the master to come back obediently"

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