Li Yugui bent over and laughed along with him: "Don't worry about Ce Fujin, the servant will explain properly."

Mu Jin nodded with a smile, and ordered Buckwheat to take the five hundred silver note and hand it to Li Yugui.

Li Yugui took it, and retreated wisely.

Mrs. Luo and her entourage came to Beijing much earlier than expected. Mu Jin had been tossing and turning upside down because of morning sickness before. It happened that some of the fourth masters had left the Beijing office and hadn't returned. They rented a courtyard of the big inn for them to live in temporarily.

It is obviously too late to buy a house now.

Of course there are ready-made other courtyards in Si Ye's mansion, but they are not something that Mu Jin, a side Fujin, can use at will.

She also didn't want to ask Fujin for this matter.

Although she is pregnant now, as long as she asks, Fujin will definitely agree.

Two days later, when Mu Jin had just had lunch, a woman in charge hurried straight to the Wisteria Garden with a panicked expression, "Mu Fang Fujin, something is wrong! Something happened to your mother, second elder brother and second sister-in-law!"

Mu Jin was startled, dizzy for a while, covered her mouth and bent over to retch, Xiao Cong quickly fetched the spittoon, Mu Jin vomited faintly.

Anxious Qiaomai and Xiaotao supported her, stroked her back and comforted her repeatedly.

Even if the soul is changed, they are still close relatives connected by blood. Hearing this news suddenly, how could Mu Jin have no reaction!

Yan Momo's eyes were a little cold, she stared at the woman in charge and said coldly: "Sister-in-law, how do you do things? Knowing that Mu Fangfu Jin is pregnant, she yells as soon as she comes, and doesn't care about delaying even the most important matters." Do you want to say something? You can afford to scare Mu Fangfujin?"

As Mother Yan said, she ordered Buckwheat: "Go and send a message to Huai Shan and Huai Tang. One of them must block the gate of the courtyard. From now on, if anyone comes in, he must report and ask clearly before he can let him go. No one is allowed to mess around." break."

"Yes, mammy!" Buckwheat cast an annoyed look at the woman in charge, and hurried out to deliver a message.

The woman in charge suddenly showed a bit of forced embarrassment on her face, and she forced a smile and said: "What are you talking about, Mother Yan? Isn't this old servant also concerned about Mu Fangfu Jin! No, once I learned that I was with Mu Fang Matters related to Fujin's natal family rushed to report."

Nanny Yan gave her a cold look and said nothing.

This old woman clearly wanted to scare Mu Fangfujin on purpose, and wanted Mu Fangfujin to feel bad, but she brazenly used the excuse of caring. There was no point in arguing with her.

It was her negligence. These days, the Wisteria Garden has been calm and peaceful, and Cai Fujin has lived a very leisurely life. She actually forgot that there is no real peace and tranquility in this back house?

I don't know when there will be waves on the ground.

Mu Fangfujin was already favored and pregnant, so he was naturally a thorn in the side of others.

Mu Jin drank two sips of hot tea, her violently out-of-control heartbeat slowed down, and she gave the woman a cold look: "Back off."

The woman in charge was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Mu Fang Fujin, this old slave didn't lie to you, you—"

"go out!"

The woman in charge was startled, she didn't dare to hold back, she said "yes" and retreated embarrassingly.

Mammy Yan showed some appreciation in her eyes, Mu Caifujin has a good temper and will not be disadvantaged.

If you follow someone who is always in chaos when things happen, then life will not be so easy in the future.

Nurse Yan said softly: "Ci Fujin, this old slave will send someone to invite Li Yugui and Eunuch Li. How do you feel? Do you want to pass on to the Imperial Physician Liang?"

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