Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 923 What's wrong with me just eating soft rice?

The rules of the royal family are strict, and the servants are bound to worship the high and step down. I don’t know how she got here in the past two years

But so what? The draft is inevitable. Once you enter the Royal Gate, don’t say that the mountain is high and the river is powerless, even if you know it at the time, you are also powerless

Seeing her mother-in-law like this, Shi Fangyun persuaded her with a smile: "Mother, now Fujin is pregnant, and it's a very good day, so don't think about it! This journey is tiring enough, you, take a good rest, after a few days of high How about happily going to see Fang Fujin?"

Mrs. Luo sighed and nodded, feeling a little relieved: "Yes, I can rest assured knowing that she is fine now!"

As he spoke, he took a look at Shi Fangyun: "You know that you are tired from the journey and told me to rest. Are you not tired? Are you going out?"

Shi Fangyun smiled: "I'm not tired, I just went out for a stroll. This capital city is worthy of being at the foot of the emperor. It is really prosperous, and Guangzhou's mansion is absolutely incomparable! Since we plan to live here for a long time, naturally the sooner we can get the business The better it is done, I'll go out and look around to see if there are any business opportunities."

Mrs. Luo: ""

"Are you going alone? Where's Ann?"

Shi Fangyun said: "My husband is weak and has already rested. Sister Rong is also sleepy and fell asleep. If I wake up later, mother will take care of me."

Mrs. Luo simply had a headache, "Okay, Sister Rong, I will take care of it myself. But you, this is the capital city, not our territory. It's different from Guangzhou mansion. Be careful and don't offend anyone."

"Don't worry, mother, I'll save it!" Shi Fangyun agreed with a smile, and went out with her servant girl.

Mrs. Luo rubbed her faintly throbbing temples, Zhang Ma hurriedly rubbed it for her, and said with a smile: "Madam also go to lean on and rest for a while? Don't worry, Madam, our Second Young Madam can do it, and I definitely won't suffer!"

Mrs. Luo: "" I'm not worried that she will suffer. It's fine if she doesn't make others suffer.

It's just that this is the capital, so I'm still a little bit worried that something will happen.

This daughter-in-law came from the family of a wealthy businessman in Guangzhou. When she was young, she played with an abacus as soon as she could hold things, and looked at the ledger as soon as she learned how to read.

After getting married, my family didn't care to restrain her in the backyard, and let her flex her muscles, let alone earning a lot of money in the south. Now the family has the best food and clothing expenses, and her husband and eldest son are also very well-off in terms of official and human relations. She has never bothered about money, and it is all thanks to her.

Some people are envious, and some are bitter, saying that her son is a little boy who eats soft food, but Mrs. Luo herself is a sensible person, and she has never felt resentful or dissatisfied because of this. up.

Who knows that her son is more transparent than her and doesn't care. Instead, he smiled and said: "Outsiders are right, what's wrong with me just eating soft food? My daughter-in-law is capable and willing to let me eat soft food, who cares! Some people want to eat but still can't!"

Mrs. Luo: ""

Mrs. Luo is so special! What kind of son did she raise? Eat soft rice and eat so proudly!

That's good, at least the house won't be restless. She never cared about the couple after that.

After a while, sister Sun Rong woke up, and the nanny hugged her. Mrs. Luo hurriedly hugged and coaxed her, and asked someone to bring the pastries brought by Mu Jin to her grand daughter.

Sister Rong likes the cream cake very much, it is delicious and sweet, and she ate a big piece. Mrs. Luo tasted it, and her eyes lit up.

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