Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 956 Second Miss' Warning

What the hell do you mean by beating someone yourself and asking me if I'm satisfied?

This lying gun posture couldn't be more weird!

"Should I be satisfied?" Mu Jin sneered: "The other things have nothing to do with me, and I don't care, Miss Fuyu, I'm waiting for you to salute!"

"" Fuyu's eyes widened, and she almost fainted out of breath.

At this time, she actually asked herself about saluting?

Fuyu had a gloomy face, apparently not intending to give in.

She is Miss Wulanala, one of the eight surnames in Manchuria, and her compatriot sister is even the mistress of the fourth master's house. She has her pride and confidence, so why should she salute?

Wouldn't it make people laugh to death if they lowered their body and bowed their heads after being forced to say a few words?

She doesn't, this Mu Jin is just a side Fujin, what can she do to herself?

Fuyu didn't believe that she could do anything to herself!

Seeing Fuyu's proud and resentful face, Mu Jin smiled, and said to Nanny Wu: "Go back and talk to Fujin about the matter, just say that I am waiting for Fujin's explanation, or, Fujin It doesn't matter if you don't want to explain."

After finishing speaking, Mu Jin took Yanmao and others away.

"Ci Fujin, please don't be angry about this." Nanny Yan helped Mu Jin, and persuaded Mu Jin softly as she walked, "It's not that the old slave said something presumptuous, Miss Fuyu, in the future, there will be her own her results"

Mu Jin smiled, and glanced at Nanny Yan: "Mommy is absolutely right, I think so too."

Nanny Wu took a deep breath: "Second Miss please please, Fujin is waiting for Second Miss."

Fuyu saw the slightly red and swollen palm print on Nanny Wu's face, and regretted what she had just done.

He intends to say a few soft and comforting words, but as proud as she is, how can he say comforting words that are equivalent to a disguised apology and a disguised admission that he has done something wrong?

Thinking about it again, Nanny Wu is nothing more than a slave no matter what. She didn't defend herself in front of her sister's deadly opponent, but blatantly helped her deadly opponent.

Thinking of this, Fuyu felt guilty in her heart like the ebbing sea receded in an instant, snorted and walked ahead with her own people, and suddenly said: "I will see my sister later, Mammy will figure it out. What to say in front of you and what not to say.”

Grandma Wu was startled, feeling bitter in her heart, and answered "Yes" in a low voice.

The two servants of the fourth master's mansion who were leading the way couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at Nanny Wu.

Fujin was very happy to see his younger sister, and smiled and beckoned her to sit down next to him. He was about to speak when he saw the slap marks on Mammy Wu's face suddenly change color, and asked sharply, "What's going on on Nanny's face? Who is it?" Do it!"

Fujin's anger rose in an instant, quite murderous.

How dare someone beat Nanny Wu? It's the other way around!

To slap Wu Momo in the face is to blatantly slap her, Fujin, in the face, and not to take her, Fujin, seriously!

Grandma Wu was stunned for a moment, hesitated a little what to say.

But Fuyu was frightened by her sister's reaction, afraid of being scolded, she blurted out without thinking, "It's Mu Shi! She beat her!"

Nanny Wu opened her eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on her face.

Mother Jiang, Yinghua, and Primrose were also taken aback, somewhat at a loss.

My lady is too temperamental

"She, how dare she! It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable! Who gave her the courage! Mother Ji, go and call her over!" Fujin ordered with a cold face.

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