Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 982 How about Mu Fangfu Jin giving advice to the sisters?

Fujin has always been sensible, he takes everything by himself, and may not be willing to tell himself.

She refused to say it herself, she must have told Grandma Wu to report good news and not bad news, Jue Luo asked Fuyu hurriedly.

The youngest daughter has lived there for several days, maybe she can know some details.

Concerns lead to chaos, the youngest daughter can turn black and white, add fuel and vinegar to things like this, I feel that Luo Shi doesn't take it very seriously.

The youngest daughter may exaggerate, but she believes that there should be no deviation in general.

Fourth Master knew that Fujin had sent his natal sister away, so he didn't say anything else.

It's good to send it away, so you don't have to worry about it.

Fujin finally wasn't completely confused.

Fujin originally thought that sending his sister away was equivalent to proving his innocence. The fourth master would come to the main courtyard anyway to have a good word with him, but he didn't want to.

She couldn't help being secretly disappointed

But he didn't want to think about it, Fuyu was the fourth master's sister-in-law, how could the fourth master take the initiative to care about whether she would leave or not? If there was anything, he told Fujin directly, how to deal with it was Fujin's business, why should he ask?

The peonies in the garden were just in bloom, and Fujin hosted a banquet for everyone to enjoy the flowers together.

Mu Jin didn't really want to go at first, but then she thought that it would be bad if she didn't go, because it was a group activity after all.

So they took Yanmao, Xiaotao, Huaishan and Huaitang together.

Pregnant people are always troublesome and troublesome when going out. When Mu Jin arrives, everyone except Fujin is already there.

Mu Jin was a little embarrassed to be stared at by everyone, who seemed to have resentment.

Fortunately, she has always been thick-skinned, and she calmed down after a little embarrassment.

"Hmph!" Li Fangfujin glared at her, the hatred in his eyes was undisguised.

Nurse Yan frowned slightly, helped Mu Jin to sit down, and thought to herself, whenever Li Fangfujin appears in the future, it's better not to ask her side Fujin to appear.

It's not that I'm afraid of Li Fangfujin, but that the pregnant woman is delicate. It's not auspicious to be stared at by such malicious eyes.

"At this time last year, Mu Caifujin hadn't come back yet. Who would have imagined the current situation. Let me tell you, you should go to Yuping Courtyard more or less on weekdays, and ask Mu Caifujin for advice. If you can get her to teach you One or two tricks, why worry about not being favored by the master? It's not like this position has remained silent for so many years."

Li Fangfujin glanced at him and sneered lazily.

Song Gege and Geng Gege didn't speak, and bowed their heads to drink tea.

Yun's heart was also a little uncomfortable, but she was used to praising Li Fangfujin, since Li Fangfujin opened his mouth, it was impossible for her to keep quiet.

"Li Fangfujin's words really speak to people's hearts," Yun said with a smile: "Sisters, who wouldn't want Mu Fangfujin's advice? I'm just embarrassed. But then again, it's nothing How long will it take for more new sisters to come to the mansion? By then, I don't know what the situation is, let alone whether our tempers are easy to get along with. We are all acquaintances anyway, so shouldn't we be better than newcomers? Mu Fang Fujin It’s better to point out, it’s better than newcomers in the future, isn’t it?”

After Yun's finished speaking, she deliberately glanced at Mu Jin's stomach with special meaning.

Now that she is pregnant, she can't go to bed anyway, even if she is trying to dominate the master to keep others from getting close to her in various ways, but when the newcomer enters the mansion, is it possible that the master will not touch her?

If the newcomer is still difficult to get along with and domineering, wouldn't it be even more disadvantageous?

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