Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 986 This Careful and Thoughtful Kindness is Especially Caring

The cherry seedlings irrigated with divine spring water really grew well and bloomed!

Even though I know that the flowers from such seedlings will never bear fruit, I am still very happy. When they bloom again next year, I can taste the cherries I planted by myself.

When Mu Jin walked around the vegetable garden and returned to the house, Fujin had already sent four pots of peonies as tall as a person and a half, Luoyang Red, Zilankui, Baixueta, and Green Fragrance Sea. The flowers were as huge as a sea bowl. The stamens are golden yellow, the petals of various colors are delicate and gorgeous, layer upon layer, and the green leaves and branches are blooming, which is pleasing to the eye.

Mu Jin was about to step forward to take a closer look, but Nanny Yan hurriedly supported her and said with a smile, "This flower is the one that attracts bees the most, so you have to be careful not to get too close. The flower slaves in the courtyard are just looking at it." There are enough peonies, and any more will make it a bit crowded, why don't you ask someone to carry these pots of peonies to the back garden."

Mu Jin's mind moved slightly, and she understood what Yan Momo meant.

These flowers were sent by someone from Fujin, and Mother Yan was afraid that someone from Fujin would tamper with them.

Although she has never said it clearly - as Nanny Yan, and she is not familiar with Mu Jin to such an extent, it is natural for her to say some things.

But Mu Jin already felt that Mammy Yan didn't pay much attention to Li Shi, who was bluffing and wishing to stare out her eyes, but was more nervous about Fujin.

Mu Jin's heart warmed up, she curled her lips into a smile, and nodded, "That's fine, I'll go and see which one is good to put it in."

The person fourth master found was indeed reliable.

This cautious and thoughtful thoughtfulness is especially caring.

Sister Yan heard what she wanted, she smiled and said yes, she told the others to take good care of her, she called a few rough maids, and carried the four pots of peonies to the relatively open but remote northeast corner of the small garden.

Mother Yan is very satisfied with this location. When Fujin and Fourth Master visit the small garden, they can see these pots of peonies, but they will not be too close. Moreover, there is no road passing by the place where the peonies are placed. Very good, very good!

When Mammy Yan took people to put flowers, the toon couldn't help whispering: "The side Fujin, that's Fujin's reward, it can be seen how kind you are to the side Fujin! Why don't you put it in the courtyard, this is also Glory and dignity. If Fujin sends someone to speak and see it, he will be happy too."

There is nothing wrong with these words, but what is it that makes people feel particularly unhappy?

Mu Jin frowned, and said lightly: "Peony flowers always like open and sunny places, so it's not as good as a small garden."

Xiang Chunxin said, how about Peony's preferences, how can it be more important than Fujin's wishes? Of course, it's good to take Fujin's wishes into consideration, and don't care about Peony at all.

There is no shortage of peonies rewarded by the masters in Si Ye's mansion!


"Today I saw that the roses in the garden outside are blooming very well. Go and cut some for me and put them in vases. Go."

Xiang Toon had no choice but to swallow what he was about to say, and quickly glanced at Mu Jin with some concern, then bent his knees and took the bamboo scissors and basket specially used for cutting flowers and branches.

Xiao Tao helped Mu Jin into the room, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "I don't know what Xiang Toon is thinking."

Fujin just sent a few potted flowers, what's so rare? It's hard to say whether there are evil intentions.

She is good, but she is treated like something, she can't wait to worship her

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