Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 4: Above the temple

If the bells and whip of the non-advanced sounds, I don’t know how many "three people a day, three provinces, true saints", "non-arrogant people are not proud, really hard to be valuable", I want to enter the temple with everyone. Seeing how others do what I do, I don’t think the gangs are very dog-legged. I want to go ahead, I have to slap on my scalp.

Fortunately, the black-faced official and the scholar-like official have already stood up. I have finally got the coordinates. The civil and military are divided. The Zhong Rong is standing in the right hand second. The scholar is a distance of seven or eight people. He wants to come. I am here too. I am so hot and my official position judges that the space in his first position should be mine, but I dare not make it. If I make a mistake, it will cause a joke to be small. Serious political consequences are worse. Thinking a little, I deliberately slowed down, and said to the officials behind me with a smile: "Grand people, please."

Sure enough, the officials were flattered, eagerly dragging their long sleeves to the virtual top position: "Adults please." "Zhang Xiang please."

I smiled and walked over and stood.

When standing, I thought, this is exactly what generation, why is the official title confusing, Longtuge University is Song Dynasty, Prince Taibao seems to have the grace of the veteran ministers of all ages, what is the minister? It seems to be the Qing Dynasty, these people have at least not shaved their heads, then...

I can't show the flaws up, I am a little worried. I decided to keep in mind the words of my idol, Zhang Tingyu, who are "speaking ten times, not as good as one", and make a slashing gourd.

The military commanders also sneaked in at this time. I saw their solemn appearance and knew that the behavior I had just had been greatly over-represented. If the royal history is a little bit of a tortoise, I can participate in a "upward glory", but Now, I am afraid that most of the people in the court are my people. Don't worry.

At this time, the **** screamed and screamed "the emperor drove." Hey, it’s about the same as in the series.

The emperor came out, I was wide-eyed, actually a boy of six or seven years old, huh, huh, the young and the country is in danger, the traitor is in power, the situation here is not good, no wonder that God’s slap in the bottom of the game has brought me out, do not want to Let me save the world?

Well, I will do what I want, but don't expect me to dedicate myself to the "just cause."

The emperor is very pitiful. When he is so young, it is when he needs to sleep. He gets up so early every day, but he still sits straight and looks very much.

The ceremonial **** began to say the classic lines of "There is something to do, no matter what to retire." The black-faced bell of the ritual department was listed. He played the last emperor and the lyrical queen who died for more than two months. To determine the matter, this has become a blasting pot on the court. Wenwu Baiguan has enthusiastically joined the debate contest. According to my proficiency, it is definitely not the first time to discuss this topic.

I have no interest in this formal stupid thing, and I am happy to watch the monkey show.

The struggle is getting more and more day-to-day. The players are screaming. Apart from not swearing, the rules of the debate contest are destroyed. Especially, they like to engage in personal attacks. The elements of ridicule are not high enough: what is the summer insect? "Ice", "General Li will be the ear of the generals, not reading the book of the sages, knowing the sages..."

I listened for a while and found that the situation was very clear, that is, my gang party wanted to raise the emperor, what is the name of "Sheng Wenwu Mingrui Gao Emperor", and the gang of the Zhong dynasty would only call "Feng Tianzhi Renwu Emperor" The other party wants to call the Queen "the Holy End and the Queen Fang Huide", but we are here to live and die to get rid of the "sacred" word of the people, for the reference to the classics, chatter.

I don't even know who is who, politics is a very complicated thing. Of course, I don't understand why, but it is certain that Zhang Qinglian and the lyrical queen are opposite. Also, grab the husband, can you not hate it? However, this sensation is only a matter of a few points, don't you kill the big bad guy?

Then I found that apart from Zhong Rong and the scholars, the white-bearded old man who stood opposite me was also theirs. Oh, with military support, no wonder not to fear me.

Seeing that they have been quarreling for half an hour, and there is no result, I am boring to yawn, this group of people is really true, how can one or two words be different, so confess!

I look at the emperor in the high place. The sympathy is born: it is really difficult for this child. He has no pro-government, no right to speak, and he has to sit so straightforward. In fact, he also wants to yawn?

When I was swimming, someone named my name. "Zhang Daren, I don't know what Zhang Daren has to say?"

Who is so annoying? I impatiently swept the unsuspecting guy, oh, my "son" who is "clear from Qing" is smirking at me.

I thought about it and decided to play 50 boards: "The first Emperor Wenwu Shuangquan, Mingrui Tongda, of course, is the "Sheng Wenwu Mingrui Gao Emperor"; the empress is the emperor, what a sense of love, how fierce, how to be Can't you have a holy word?"

As soon as I finished, the people on both sides looked at me. I didn't expect that I would compromise half of them. They squatted and squatted for a while, and they settled.

The next one is the grain and grass mobilization order for the soldiers in the southwest. The size of the soldiers seems to be small, that is, the level of regional conflicts. These guys who have just been arguing over the matter have closed their mouths and expressed disdain for the appearance of these small things, especially me. The big guys nearby.

I know how to use the soldiers to be cautious and cautious about a country. One is not enough to shake the country, and the grain is the lifeblood of the army. Unfortunately, I am completely ignorant of the situation and can only be anxious.

At this time, the top green robes of a civil servant were listed, and Fushou said: "The minister of the minister, Liu Chunxi, played."

Everyone looked at me. I knew that I should talk, so I said, "Liu Daren please."

This person is about thirty years old, but he is born with a high stagnation, but he has a pair of peach eyes, which is very strange.

His speech was not modified, and the order was very clear: "... Jingshi arrived in Yungui, the road was far away, the cost was expensive, and it was easy to wear out. Now Guangdong Province has a surplus of 479,960,650 stone, Guangxi Prefecture There are three hundred and twenty-seven thousand five hundred and ninety-four stones, which are suitable for military use. Only when the spring is about to arrive, the farmer’s so-called 'green and yellow will not pick up' season, must reserve rice for borrowing, and each need to keep food for seven or eight thousand stones. There are deficiencies, please transfer from Jiangnan House Waterway." I have an impression on this person, only everyone is full of enthusiasm, he did not say a word, although he does not rule out that he is a person who speaks lightly and simply does not speak, but basically I am sure that he belongs to the doer I have always appreciated. Types of.

I have already decided to give him a chance, Wen Yan said: "So please ask Liu Daren to sort out and make a last fold."

There are a few trivial things that have been scattered, and my heart has been tight, and I am already a little tired, but I finally figured out something.

First of all, now is the first year of Jingwu, the emperor is only two months, the first emperor is twenty-nine years old, and died of illness.

When I was so young, I was dead. I saw that he was so strong in his portraits. It was not like a sick jar of medicine. He couldn’t help but feel a bit cold: Don’t it be AIDS?

I heard that certain sexual behaviors are very easy to infect. I don’t blame me for being ugly. I’m in a difficult position. I used to be a capital operator. The industry said that I am the “first master” of integrating enterprises. The companies that were acquired were not well managed and managed, but the workers were on strike, the lawsuits were ridden, and the strange situation had not been seen, and they had not been solved, but they had never encountered such a tricky mess. Besides, when the over-indulgence is excessive, the bad guys who have been swayed by others are already wronged. You have to give me another flower, Liu Yemei, love, and the disease, I will die for you!

I am sure that I have not returned to any dynasty in Chinese history that I know, but the language and culture of life here are very similar to ancient China. Even the toponymic names are the same. Is it true, here is the refraction world corresponding to China?

However, for me who is advocating reality, such a mysterious and mysterious thing is not important. I don't care why and how I am here, but I care about how I should be mixed here and there is a lot of water.

After retreating to the DPRK, I originally remembered the chain on my beautiful young boy's bones. I wanted to go back to the government soon. I was surprised that a few top-ranking civil servants surrounded me. I had to ask for help, and they only said one by one. The eternal lines of adults.

My beautiful boy, I am back! I am full of joy and go outside the palace. Hey, they are pointing in the wrong direction. I hesitated and had to go. After seven turns and eight bends, I finally came to a relatively simple house. I looked up and wrote the book "Inner Study Room". I fell down, and the central decision-making place of the famous name was so inconspicuous!

After I entered, I saw that the table was full of folds. Yes, I was a minister, and I wanted to approve the book. Oh, it seems that I can’t go back for a while, and the working time here is not short. Ah, there are no weekends and annual holidays!

I have a mentality of saying less and less mistakes, dealing with state affairs with several ministers, erecting my ears, using sponges to absorb the same skill, not letting go of every word of theirs, searching for all the information that may be beneficial to me, so much more When the time came down, I finally figured out the official names of these people. The black face that I am against is the ancient rhyme of the ritual Shangshu. Don't look at the age, he is the minister of the Three Dynasties, which shows how long these emperors lived. The ancient rhyme is straightforward for the official, straightforward, and very popular among the people. It is a veritable national pillar and one of the ministers.

There are four ministers in the order, and the chief white-bearded general is one of them. The generals of the squadron, the first-class loyalty of the Li Yongguo, are the fathers of the queen. Since they are the ancestors of the late family, they certainly do not stand with me.

According to history and experience, in this situation, the nephews and the loyalty party must unite to fight against me. However, the Tao is different from each other, and the minister who is the country for the people has never heard of the hateful foreigners. There must be contradictions between the two factions. If my common enemy does not exist, they must also be dead and alive.

Another minister who is a vassal minister is Liang Wang, the cousin of the Emperor, who is said to be unwell, and he is quietly raised in other professions. I don’t know which one.

The young official of the book is called Zhou Zizhu. He is a teacher of the Hanlin Academy. He is also a student of ancient rhythm. He is a famous native of Jiangnan. His name is very good, and his family is a native of Yangzhou. It is no wonder that a small historian with no real power dares to openly Fight against me.

There is also my "son", and the criminal department Shangshu Gao Yushu, at first glance is the flow of Cai Jing Qin, I can't think of the former champion.

From the perspective of power comparison, the situation is not as good for me as it seems on the surface. I really have to be more careful.

Of course, the most important thing is how much military power is in the hands. Now I am not Zhang Qinglian, and I don’t want to hold the political ruling, ruin the loyalty, and even slap the emperor to force the princes to force the palace to occupy the position. However, now it is a difficult situation to ride a tiger. If I am soft and won by the opposition, can I still yell at my soul is actually a nonsense like another person? They don’t just tie me on the stake and make a Barbie.

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