Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1030 The Decaying Purple Bamboo Forest

At this time, the two fairies Yuyan and Yuzhu were driving the Void Snail and moving quickly through the blood pool.

"I didn't expect that this Void Snail could easily resist all kinds of blood and evil spirits in the blood pool."

When they first entered the blood pool, they were a little worried. If the Void Snail couldn't resist, they would be in danger in the bottomless blood pool full of monsters.

But after really entering the blood pool, they soon discovered the power of this Void Snail - not only can it pass through easily, but it can even resist the blood and evil spirits here effortlessly.

Even Qian Duoduo, the owner of the Void Snail, kept muttering in his heart at this time.

"This Void Snail is too strong. It can walk on flat ground in this Jedi of the Demon Realm, and its escape speed is not reduced at all. It seems that the identity of the Wubian Sanren at the time is worth investigating!"

Fang Yang and the others also had similar ideas.

At that time, Fang Yang thought that this Wubian Master was probably just an ordinary immortal cultivator who descended to the spirit world and then relied on his magic weapon and inheritance to do whatever he wanted in the spirit world.

But now thinking about it, I'm afraid things won't be that simple.

You must know that the blood pool in the demon world is extremely fierce. It is the remains of the ancient blood sea. The power of rules contained in the blood sea is definitely extraordinary.

In fact, Fang Yang and his team had already made preparations. If the Void Snail couldn't resist, he would immediately use the Emperor Hao Tianshu, the emperor's weapon, to bless its defense.

Even directly arranged a layer of treasure light containing the rules of the Immortal Emperor outside to protect it.

However, the performance of the Void Snail was also unexpected. It could actually pass through the blood pool without hindrance, which also saved them a lot of trouble.

Of course, this also made them realize that the quality of this Void Snail, including the Wubian Immortal Mansion in its snail shell, far exceeded their expectations.

But at this time, Fang Yang and his team had no time to think about it, and suddenly the Void Snail vibrated.

"What a big blood eel!" Fairies Yuyan and Yuzhu soon discovered that as soon as they dived into the depths of the blood pool, a blood eel monster hundreds of feet long rushed up with the void snail.

This blood eel was obviously also an ancient beast, and it opened its huge mouth full of fangs, wanting to swallow the void snail into its stomach.

Fortunately, there were quite a lot of defensive restrictions on the void snail, so it quickly dodged the attack of the blood eel, which also caused the void snail to shake continuously.

"How unreasonable! We do things and travel in a low-key manner, but we didn't expect to cause trouble!" Fairy Yuyan said angrily.

But now they are in the depths of the blood pool, and they dare not leave the void snail without permission. Otherwise, who knows what ancient beasts will be attracted.

Then, Fairy Yuzhu made up her mind, and a fairy flying sword was sent out by the void snail, and rushed directly towards the huge blood eel beast.

The fairy flying sword quickly passed through the sea of ​​blood, just like a torpedo.

However, the immortal spirit contained in the flying sword and the blood evil spirit in the blood pool were entangled with each other, and they continued to react violently.

However, this further enhanced the power of the flying sword, and suddenly the flying sword shot directly into the mouth of the blood eel beast.

"Boom..." With a loud bang, the head of the huge blood eel was blown to pieces.

Then, its huge body was still struggling weakly.

The strong blood attracted a lot of hunters in the blood pool.

Soon, the body of the extremely huge blood eel monster was devoured by many bloodthirsty people.

The whole scene made Fairy Yuyan and Fairy Yuzhu feel a little numb.

Fortunately, they remained awake and immediately controlled the void snail to escape quickly.

Because the speed of the void snail is very fast, most monsters can't catch up, except for some of the ancient blood sea remnants of the prehistoric monsters, which generally can't catch up with them.

Although the two fairies, Yuyan and Yuzhu, are not good at fighting, they have been sisters of Huoyun Haitang since childhood.

Huoyun Haitang has refined many immortal weapons over the years, and the two of them have also obtained many fine products.

Moreover, they have also been taught by Huoyun Haitang, and they are also very good at the means of self-destructing immortal weapons. So there is no problem in self-protection.

As the Void Snail traveled through the depths of the Blood Sea, they also encountered several powerful monsters, but relying on the secret method of self-destructing immortal weapons, they were indeed invincible.

The terrifying giant turtle with thorns all over its body was blown into pieces by the flying sword of the immortal weapon.

The fierce blood sea saber-toothed shark was blown to pieces by the flying knife of the immortal weapon.

The nine-headed sea snake protected by blood and qi was stabbed with a head full of lumps by the flying needles of the immortal weapon...

The two beautiful girls passed all the levels and soon came to the depths of the bottom of the Blood Sea.

At the beginning, the closer to the depths of the Blood Sea, the stronger the monsters encountered here.

Before, they could basically solve the problem by self-destructing one immortal weapon, but now they have to self-destruct at least two or three immortal weapons to resist the beast.

As a result, the two people's inventory is getting less and less, and they can't help but feel a little worried.

They are worried that their immortal energy for self-destruction has run out and they haven't reached the destination at the bottom of the blood sea.

If this goes on, there will be certain troubles.

Even if Fang Yang can protect them with the emperor's weapon, if he can't fight back, there will be more and more chances for the monsters to come and take advantage of him. If there is a big commotion at that time, it will inevitably cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

If those old demons sense some clues, it will be dangerous.

The two fairies, with a nervous mood, followed the guidance of the Five Elements Boy and began to approach a huge trench deep in the blood sea.

Strangely, when they approached here, they suddenly found that the number of monsters seemed to have decreased significantly.

This made them more and more suspicious.

As the Void Snail continued to dive, a little purple light was emitted from the depths of the blood sea.

The originally strong blood and evil spirits began to weaken.

And the sea water here became much clearer, no longer having the bloody smell and bloody color like other places.

"It's really strange that there is such a place in the depths of the blood sea!" The two fairies were surprised.

However, when they came closer, they found that there were many Buddhist purple bamboos here.

"There are so many purple bamboos here, and I think their aura is in the same vein as the purple bamboo forest in Qingyuan Immortal Mansion!" Fairy Yuzhu is proficient in the art of spiritual plants, so she can naturally find clues.

The purple bamboos here are all purple with gold, and they are obviously nearly a million years old. But it is far less than the purple bamboos in Qingyuan Immortal Mansion that are tens of millions of years old.

Even so, these million-year-old purple bamboos are treated as sacred objects in Buddhism.

However, no one would have thought that in the depths of the blood sea in the most filthy blood demon world, there would be purple bamboos from Buddhism.

Moreover, the purple bamboos here formed a small purple bamboo forest, but because they have been in the blood sea of ​​the demon world for many years, they have been constantly fighting with the blood evil spirit.

Therefore, this purple bamboo forest seems a little dilapidated.

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