Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1072 Fang Chenhao earns merit

There was a flash of light, and the shadow of a young man in red and brocade robes appeared in front of the young man.

This young man in brocade robes has an exaggerated appearance. His hair forms a sun-ray shape, and from a distance he looks like a giant sea urchin.

The clothes on his body shone with many sequins, making him look sparkling like a freshly fried koi.

"I'm going to have some events in the next few days and come over to help?" the young man in red robe said with a smile.

"Forget it, I still have to go to school." The young man was obviously very impatient with the man in brocade robes.

"Hey, hey, I'm your uncle. Come here and help me, but you push back and forth. If it weren't for my help, you would still be with your mother, getting beaten every day!" The young man in red looked disdainful.

"You're still talking about it! You also know that you are my uncle! You brought me to this place where crows don't poop and have a strong seal. I'm so sorry. Do you believe it or not? I'm going to shave my head on February 2nd!" The boy was obviously very worried. dissatisfied.

This made the red-robed young man show a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"You said you wanted to take me to a nice place to play, but you secretly dragged me here and said you were doing some kind of transformation plan. Don't you know how terrifying the terrifying seal here is? It actually made my cultivation return to my mother's womb. It’s in.” The young man said very dissatisfied.

"Now I am forced to shoulder a heavy burden at a young age. While going to school, I have to slay demons and accumulate merit at the same time. Do you think I am unjust or not?" The young man looked angry.

This young man is none other than Fang Chenhao, Fang Yang's son.

You know, because his mother used the ancient secret method of protecting the fetus to protect him for hundreds of years, he was born with full access to all meridians and had peak golden elixir cultivation.

Therefore, after he was sealed by the earth, his cultivation level dropped to the Qi Refining Stage. After several years of accumulating merit, he returned to the Foundation Building Stage. Obviously, his current cultivation level is not as strong as he was in his mother's womb.

When Fang Chenhao was born, he was blessed by Senior Yue Tianya, so he could avoid the catastrophe.

Later, although his cultivation level has advanced to Nascent Soul cultivation level, and even now he has reached the early stage of becoming a god, there is still no catastrophe.

Therefore, he now has huge autonomy. He can overcome the heavenly calamity if he wants to, and he can't if he doesn't want to. Such a privilege of heaven is something that all monks cannot envy.

Although he has such an advantage, his mother Mu Qingqing and uncle Mu Hongyun both know that there are hidden dangers in this matter.

Because he was just a baby when he was born, and he would definitely die if he faced the heavenly tribulation directly, so Senior Yue Tianya gave him this heavenly privilege.

But now Fang Chenhao has been practicing for hundreds of years, and his cultivation level is already very high.

And with the blessing of my family, I have never encountered any danger, and the journey has been smooth.

However, Mu Qingqing is also worried. After all, cultivation is about going against nature. If you have never encountered any setbacks, if you continue like this, it will lead to a lack of xinxing.

Moreover, Fang Chenhao has been practicing in Panxu Haiyin for many years and has become a little overlord that no one dares to offend.

Therefore, his mother Mu Qingqing and aunt Fang Yue were also worried that he would have problems growing up and become an arrogant and domineering playboy in the future.

Just because Fang Yang ascended to the fairy world when Fang Chenhao was a child, his uncle Mu Hongyun became a professional childcare provider.

With his long-term companionship and education, this child has grown up healthily.

It's just that the child's mental growth has always been a hidden danger that they worry about.

This time, he simply thought of taking his children out to have some adventures. After much deliberation, he finally chose to come to Earth.

Lu Hongyun had a relationship with Qian Duoduo back then, and after listening to Qian Duoduo's teachings on how to become an Internet celebrity, Mu Hongyun was eager to give it a try.

Sure enough, Mu Hongyun had only been on Earth for a few years, and he had become a famous Internet celebrity with the ID: Prince Hongyun.

"I think your accumulation of merit should go smoothly. It won't be long before you can directly advance to the golden elixir!" Mu Hongyun said with a smile.

"Uncle, I recently discovered that there seems to be a real problem in the Eastern Japan Kingdom! Many of their demons and monsters have begun to infiltrate into China. I even heard that they are planning to throw some liquid refined from monsters into the sea. It seems that they want to demonize the whole world. world……"

Hong Yun's face became a little solemn when he heard this: "These guys don't know what those old monsters behind them are. It seems that there are many problems, so they have to choose this..."

Mu Hongyun couldn't help but complain: "This earth seal is really mysterious. It has a very strong seal for foreign monks, but it does not have much restrictions on the ordinary people and monks born and raised here. It should be a system flaw."

Mu Hongyun was very helpless: "Although these ancient Japanese people are from the earth's human race, they have been offering sacrifices to some demons and ghosts for many years. They even hope to open a channel to the so-called 'Gaotianyuan' they believe in. I think the Gaotianyuan divine realm may be a part of the demonic realm." , What they have behind them is very big.”

After a while, Mu Hongyun returned to his cynical look.

"Chen'er, I have several events in the next few days, come over and be a guest!"

"Uncle, haven't you seen that I'm busy these days? I'm doing serious things!" Fang Chenhao looked dissatisfied. Like a rebellious child in adolescence.

"Ahem...several of my activities this time are for charity, live broadcast, and have many viewers..."

"Stop talking, come on, come on!" Fang Chenhao smiled on his face when he heard that they were all charity activities. He obviously liked such activities very much.

You must know that this is the earth, and the heaven here has merit rewards. As long as you punish evil and promote good here, you will be rewarded by heaven's merits.

Moreover, Mu Hongyun's charity activities are usually broadcast live on TV, which has a large audience. If done well, it can affect many people at one time, so a lot of merits can be obtained.

When Qian Duoduo was rich, he did a lot of good things by broadcasting online to fight fraud, be enthusiastic about charity, and help the poor, so he also accumulated a lot of merits.

Then, Fang Chenhao, who looked like a teenager, turned off the holographic image on his mobile phone, handled the scene, and quickly left the street.

Huaxia Country.

Hailong City, Jiandao Building.

In the luxurious private room at the top of this building, three monks wearing strange robes and strange high hats showed solemn expressions. They are obviously the Yin-Yang masters of ancient Japan.

"Yamamoto-kun, I don't know what happened these days. Our Shikigami have been killed one after another, and no news has been sent back!" The Yin-Yang master with the highest hat said with displeasure.

"Lord Ishihara, we are still investigating, and there is no result yet! It should be out soon!" The man named Yamamoto seemed very nervous. He stood up immediately and kept bowing like a maggot wriggling.

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